LRover vs LCruiser?


Hi all,

Our project was to bring us around the world, but due to finances, we have to cut it short to the Americas... still a great itinerary!

We do not know whether we should buy our vehicle in the UK or in Canada (shipping is not so expensive). We will be starting from Canada in April 09.

We were initially looking for a Land Rover (LR) 110 Tdi Hardtop 200 or 300 serie, more availble here in London UK and seemingly cheaper as well. I can't find many 110 Tdi on Is there another website?

People have also told us that a Toyota LandCruiser (LC) could actually be a better option for the Americas as parts would be more readily available and cheaper than for LR. Is this correct?

Who can kit the vehicles up over there?

What would be the advantages/disadvantages of both vehicles, ie LandRover versus LandCruiser?

Thanks very much to all for your advice


Canadian HJ60 Land Cruiser. Has the 2nd generation H motor (6 cyl inline diesel). Canada is also getting a lot of 80 series diesels from Japan in, so an HZJ80 or HD80(think that's the correct model name).. one uses the 1HZ inline six diesel, the other has an HD-T .. which is somewhat similar to the 1HZ but factory turbo and quite a beast. The 80s will be quite a bit more $$$.

The 80s are quite comfortable and completely solid vehicles. The 60s are classic with simpler designs and still very comfortable. Motor-wise the 80s have quite an edge, but the 2H is a simple reliable motor.

The other thing you get in North America is a very close land cruiser community to draw on for help and local knowledge. There are tons of Toyota cruisers and hiluxes in South America and parts would probably be easier to source (if you needed any).

Gassers are a dime a dozen, all things relative, and would also work great for probably half the price of the diesels.

I am biased, but I think the Cruisers are going to hold up better than the Rovers. I haven't really found much of a weakness in Land Cruisers, having owned many varieties (currently have 7). They just work and take abuse like nothing else, from the factory. You have a bullet-proof suspension in Old Man Emu, and really the only other options you might need (other than comforts) would be lockers and protection (bumpers, sliders, heavier skid plates).

I can put you in touch with a few people that could kit a vehicle very reasonably, it depends on what you are looking at. The contacts I have all do quality work. One even has a diesel converted FJ62 wagon for sale. He was going to use it as his camping/exploring vehicle but found an older truck he is going to convert to diesel.

PM if you have interest. Best of luck on your plans. Sounds like a great trip! (Stop by Oregon if you get a chance and I can show you some really beautiful country).
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Scott Brady

The best advise I can give you is to buy the Land Cruiser.

It is not that a Land Rover is not a great machine, but if you are not already afflicted with the Land Rover "love", just go Toyota. There are things that a Land Rover does better, but not the most important one, which is reliability.

The possible exception would be a RTW (rest of the world) Defender with a 300TDI, but an 80 Series TLC will be more comfortable, capable and reliable overall.

I currently own, and love my Land Rover Discovery I, and would not hesitate to drive it around the world, but I also know it's limitations, and accept them without condition.

If you want to buy a vehicle in the states, then an 80 series is really the only option. There are many outfitters that can get you set-up, including Slee Off-Road in Colorado, who could probably source and configure the truck to your specs before you even arrive and have it ready to go...


If you have the money to spend, I'll bet Slee Offroad could handle everything from sourcing the truck to outfitting exactly the way you want. That would be a great option and he is a 100% good/reliable/honest guy to boot.

A nice Canadian HJ 60 would be cool, but virtually every Canadian truck I've seen is a rust bucket.

Sounds like a great trip.

Another rec for the Land Cruiser vs any Land Rover product.

Michael Slade

expeditionswest said:
The best advise I can give you is to buy the Land Cruiser.

It is not that a Land Rover is not a great machine, but if you are not already afflicted with the Land Rover "love", just go Toyota.



eleblanc said:
where in Canada are you planning to start your tripp?

Will be leaving Montreal, Qc in April-May. We have some stops to do we can't get away from to visit family on the way (New York, California - don't know how, and Texas). The rest is an adventure!

Thanks to everybody for their advice; it is really helpful as all I get from here is to go for LANDROVERS, probably as they r made here in the UK. Having seen many, those defender 110 tdi 300 were pretty much in my mind day and night, but so difficult to find over the internet in North America, especially at a decent price...

I suppose now the question should be around which model of Landcruiser?


Well, the D-110 300tdi's are avaliable. You're going to pay for them, though. There are several guys in NA that can build you one, too.

For me, hands down, I would choose the Land Rover. I would never even consider the Toyota. It's not that a Toyota is bad news or a crappy truck, becasue they're great trucks. But if you have to ask yourself what to buy, Rover or Toyota, you should get the Toyota.


I would get a HDJ 80, they are very cheap in the UK, just get the gaskets, bearings and the birfields done...and go. You can easily up grade while travelling the US.
with a possibilitiy to sleep inside and a roof tent you should be fine and save money you can spend travelling...


Expedition Leader
Like everyone says... If you don "feel" like you need a Rover buy a Toyota... in the long run you'll just be far happier.




Expedition Leader
What about disposing of the vehicle after the trip is over?
Do you want to ship the truck back to the UK from South
America, or will you drive back to Canada at the conclusion
of your explorations?

Chip Haven


Expedition Leader
I have no idea what your budget is, but just for the sake of throwing out something different, you could also consider an Earthroamer XV-JP and sell it at the end of your trip, or a Sportsmobile. If you go Sportsmobile you might look at a relatively recent used one instead of new as they don't hold value that well.

As far as the the Land Rover/Toyota debate, Land Rovers are adventure, they are sexy, and everyone wants one or at least wants that image. Toyotas are just no-nonsense, nothing fancy, nothing sexy, just get the job done trucks. I think you would be hard pressed to find an off-road situation, at least in the US, where one would be significantly better than the other. For long stretches on the highway, I'll take the Toyota -- quieter and more comfortable.

There are several Land Cruiser specialty shops in the US, as noted above Slee Off-Road has built several expedition prepped Cruisers and Christo is very upfront and honest, to the point of turning you away if he doesn't think one will serve your needs.


Very scary thread title!

Without treading on any LR toes, if I was heading on a trip around the world I would pick Cruiser over Rover without a doubt.

But then I'd probably go one step further and get something that is lighter on juice than a Cruiser.

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