Lucerne Valley Exploration


New member
Thanks for a great weekend Dave. That was on hell of a potluck. I can't believe we had so much food. You forgot to post the pic of me surfing down the mountain trying to earn a margarita! :sombrero:


I ran across one of those "bombing" sites out by Soggy Dry Lake. I thought maybe it was a parachute target, I'll have to go back and look for bomb remnants. The one I found is not the one in your pic. I'll have to look for yours as well.



Expedition Leader
I'm going to have to try grilled pizza, Looks like everyone had fun. Thank you for sharing.:smiley_drive:


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
Thanks for the kind words guys.

Wil, I have the skateboarding pic.. i'll post it up here..

I ran across one of those "bombing" sites out by Soggy Dry Lake. I thought maybe it was a parachute target, I'll have to go back and look for bomb remnants. The one I found is not the one in your pic. I'll have to look for yours as well.


Gabe, there are three out there so you were probably east of the one we looked at. The one we checked out was just east of the 247. There's also one near Johnson Valley a bit northern.

Grilled pizza was awesome, i need to do it again!


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
Wil, here's your photo. Your crazy man!



Expedition Leader
I'm still struggling with the fact that you grilled pizza. That's amazing.

I full admit to having Sportsmobile envy in a big way, but it is really good to see you back in the Cruiser. Somehow it just seems right.


Outdoor Daydreamer
Only "Pizza Dave" (that's your new nickname BTW :victory:) would grill pizza out on the trail!

It was a very fun trip! My new gf went with me too....I was worried becuase her first camping experience was downright miserable...but after this one, she told me she'd go on every run I go on too! :wings: What a gal!

Yes...the food was EPIC, and the company was even better! Lots of laughs had by all!


2008 Expedition Trophy Champion
You guys found some cool stuff. 2100 yr old yucca - if only those plants could tell some stories....

Oh, and grilled, stuffed jalapenos :drool:


Sweet report. I drive through that area on the roads all the time going to visit my parents. I had no idea that was out there.

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