Independent Thinker
That's what I'm thinking. I want to keep the stock bumper and appearance of the Wagoneer but I got stuck in snow bad last year. I'm thinking these might help with that.Been looking as well, as I don't want to get a winch, not an absolute replacement but a good start. Max is in pretty tight with the EP crowd, I say go for it. It's hard to swallow 1G after winch and bumper to use just a couple times.
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I used to wonder who in the world would ever buy something like that and then laugh at those I saw with them strapped to their roof racks. I just couldn't imagine a scenario when I'd need them.
Well, last weekend I went off roading with a group and we came across a drop-off in which the left side was really rutted out and if we'd of gone through there, more than one of us would have lost fender flares. I remember thinking that I wish we had one of those things to put down over the part that had been rutted out. So, now I can see how they can be useful.
^We run into that exact situation every year in the snow out here. Being that they don't really make Wagoneer body parts any more, I'm wanting to keep the body straight at all costs!
Here's what happened when I tried to get through some deep wet snow this past spring: