made some progress, now have shore power electric done and running lights,most of the interior painted. Currently working on interior wood work on front end. Picked up a Honda 2000 inverter generator new in the box on Craig's list, works great and runs the AC 5000 btu window unit and plug in for lights and misc. Still thinking about a small solar power kit for in the tongue box, but have not ever messed with the solar stuff before and saw a small complete solar kit at Northern Tools minus the battery. Also want do something for extra water and gas for the generator. Extra gas container may fit between the tongue box and front end of camper approx. 5" space. Looks like a fair amount of space between the axle and bottom of camper for water container, but would have to fabricate a frame steel box to hold a water tank. It's been a fun project and can almost see the end of completion.