M2 Freightliner Ambulance Conversion Project. 2007 Crew Cab


That's a great location for a generator - and 7 kW to boot! Since it's designed for RVs, is it quieter than a typical diesel? Frazer ambulances powers the entire module with a 5.5 kW Onan gasoline generator - they use a 12 volt converter for whatever has to run on 12 volts. Why a gasoline generator? Less noise, but since it runs whenever the ambulance is out on a call, ambulance operators usually keep a rebuilt spare generator on the shelf ready-to-go.

Frazer built-2.jpg Frazer Built-3.jpg

I assume that you'll tap into your existing fuel tank - one rule of thumb is to locate the fuel tap in the tank at about the halfway point so you don't forget and run the truck dry by running the generator.

Congratulations on finding the absolutely perfect location for the generator!


Expedition Leader
Bevan, I have a new name for your truck once you get the engine hp problems fixed.




Expedition Leader
Now the other part of the equation I picked up. A diesel Hydro-Hot (Aqua-Hot) system. On demand hot water, hydronic heating as well as engine preheat and 110v element for the rare occasions that we are in a camp ground. Now to find somewhere to fit this monster in.






Unless I miss my guess, you're handling that generator with a Big Joe die handler, probably the 1000# unit.. I have the same unit, except mine has a pedal-pump instead of a battery operated hydraulic pump - I used to have one with a battery lift pump, but the battery was always dead, so I traded it off for the manual pump. It takes a little time to get to a 48" truck tailgate, but I don't jet a lot of semi trailers showing up. What I really like is that it can slide under the tailgate of my Ford Explorer just fine to load/unload whatever.

It gets used a lot as a portable welding table when I'm working with something that's too big & ugly to fit on my regular welding table.


Fork lift?, agree that one is sweet. Still trying to figure out how Im going to put the Ambo box on my truck with the Fork Lifts I got. Bit weak but they fit nicely in the kitchen drawer:coffeedrink:


Hey that is not fair.......... not only do you have a fork lift..... but you got concrete to work on too..... lol.

She looks sweet sire.


Freaking awesome Oz! It's amazing what can happen when the temperatures get below a 100 deg!

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New member
I am looking at almost the exact same rig in Florida. Would you mind giving us an idea of what was paid for the rig.


Expedition Leader
I am looking at almost the exact same rig in Florida. Would you mind giving us an idea of what was paid for the rig.

If you are looking at the 2004 FL60 in Lake Placid I think it is at least 5k over priced. Little Mercedes engine, old body style and over 200k miles run the price down for that one. It has been for sale for a long time starting at 32k from memory.

Now the market currently for the M2 dual cabs is about $30k from a dealer and $25k from a private flipper. At auction they seem to be bringing around $20k for good condition and $18k for the dogs.


When I bought my buggy, I took the advice of a gent who drives them for Mayo Clinic, and also an ambulance electrician. They told me to stay away from the Mercedes engine, the Caterpillar engine, and the IH engine. I was told that the only engine that I wanted was the Cummins. I went that route, and never regretted it.

Also watch out for high mileage. Mileage is only an indicator, but an ambulance leads a hard life -- no warm-ups after starting, no easy driving to get the oil moving, starting and stopping constantly. My buggy had 52,000 miles on it because it came from a small town. Good news / bad news. Short runs? Who knows. But I still prefer lower mileage.

How are the tires? Plan on about $300-350 or so each if you need new skins.

What's missing? If the inverter is gone, a new Vanner runs about $1500. If things were removed, was the work done in a workmanlike manner, or by a caveman? It takes time and money to repair someone else's screw ups.

Who made the module? Be careful if it has a digital control system (Inteliplex, VMUX, etc). Some systems are obsolete and parts are difficult, plus program changes can get real complicated. My unit has conventional relay & diode technology, so the individual components are simple to work with (the system is a little challenging, though).

In my own case, I bought a 1999 Medic-Master ambulance on a Freightliner body from Global Emergency Vehicles. I paid extra to have all the fluids changed, 2 new front tires, new air compressor, new alternator, new batteries, lettering removed, red warning lights turned into clear or amber and everything operational. I had a 1700 mile drive, and I wanted as much help as possible - by the way - we made it just fine.

My cost was $24,000. I believe it was worth every penny that I paid.


New member
Thanks so much gives me a good idea on what I can try to get it down to. It is a m2 with the 7.2l Benz with 40k on it. It has a VMUX style system should I walk away ?

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