That's a great location for a generator - and 7 kW to boot! Since it's designed for RVs, is it quieter than a typical diesel? Frazer ambulances powers the entire module with a 5.5 kW Onan gasoline generator - they use a 12 volt converter for whatever has to run on 12 volts. Why a gasoline generator? Less noise, but since it runs whenever the ambulance is out on a call, ambulance operators usually keep a rebuilt spare generator on the shelf ready-to-go.

I assume that you'll tap into your existing fuel tank - one rule of thumb is to locate the fuel tap in the tank at about the halfway point so you don't forget and run the truck dry by running the generator.
Congratulations on finding the absolutely perfect location for the generator!

I assume that you'll tap into your existing fuel tank - one rule of thumb is to locate the fuel tap in the tank at about the halfway point so you don't forget and run the truck dry by running the generator.
Congratulations on finding the absolutely perfect location for the generator!