Back from sandblasting and bed liner 12/31/15
It has been a few weeks since my last update, my trailer was at the shop getting sand blasted and covered in truck bed liner. I picked it up last weekend and it is now in my garage to sit for a few days to totally harden and cure. Here are a few pictures after the bed liner was applied. The bed liner is called USC Defender Pro.
Tub off and covered in bed liner:

Now the frame:

It has been a few weeks since my last update, my trailer was at the shop getting sand blasted and covered in truck bed liner. I picked it up last weekend and it is now in my garage to sit for a few days to totally harden and cure. Here are a few pictures after the bed liner was applied. The bed liner is called USC Defender Pro.
Tub off and covered in bed liner:

Now the frame: