Hooo boy what a weekend! Okay first, Friday. We hiked early. After failing yesterday, I was DETERMINED to do the loop around Goldwater Lake. We set out in slightly chilly weather but walked into warmth over an hour or so. We found the way to the lower lake, which was easy because we've been there, and we followed the shoreline trail. Eventually, that took us to the upper lake. I know we're really close to civilization, but for some reason these trails seem really remote. It's quite nice.


We wound around the far side of Upper Goldwater Lake and through the picnic area. The trail gets pretty vague in certain spots, but we managed. When we got to the opposite side of the dam, we hit a roadblock. There's construction ongoing and the road and trail are both closed. I believe they're cutting in a road or installing a parking lot. Perhaps both. We turned around and began the journey back. We took a shot in the dark trying a new trail that I was pretty certain linked to the most direct route back. My legs and feet were getting tired! Luckily, I was right, and we got back to the campground about 4 hours after we'd set out. Just in time for checkout, I think. Or perhaps too late. But we had no issues.

We hopped in the van and drove off to accomplish some chores. Empty the pee jug. Check. Dump the trash bag. Check. Empty the grey water. Check. Check the fresh water. Full enough. Get groceries. Check. Get Mandy. Check.
And we were off for the weekend! We drove to Seligman, AZ because that's as far as we felt like going for the night. Even cutting the total drive in half like that, we ended up parking later than we'd hoped. Isn't that always the case? We found a gorgeous spot off the highway and far from the train tracks in the middle of a ranch co-op land. It seemed there were no other humans for at least several miles in every direction. Maybe a dozen or more. It was quite remote. We wished that we got to spend more daylight there, but oh well. We parked in a small copse of trees and set to work on dinner. Chicken tikka masala and coconut rice. Again, yes, but we wanted to try and do it better. We failed I think, but that's okay. It was still good. We checked out the night sky but the semi-full moon washed out the stars. So, we went back in to watch a movie I don't even remember and pass out.
It's hard to want to build a campfire all the time when it's just us. We COULD. But it's chilly most nights, so it's more comfortable inside. And if it's just us, we're usually like why not be more comfortable hanging out together? And then our clothes don't smell smoky, and we don't have to worry what if we didn't fully extinguish it, our butts aren't freezing, we don't have to pack the chairs in the morning, etc. Maybe we're just killjoys though? I dunno.


We wound around the far side of Upper Goldwater Lake and through the picnic area. The trail gets pretty vague in certain spots, but we managed. When we got to the opposite side of the dam, we hit a roadblock. There's construction ongoing and the road and trail are both closed. I believe they're cutting in a road or installing a parking lot. Perhaps both. We turned around and began the journey back. We took a shot in the dark trying a new trail that I was pretty certain linked to the most direct route back. My legs and feet were getting tired! Luckily, I was right, and we got back to the campground about 4 hours after we'd set out. Just in time for checkout, I think. Or perhaps too late. But we had no issues.

We hopped in the van and drove off to accomplish some chores. Empty the pee jug. Check. Dump the trash bag. Check. Empty the grey water. Check. Check the fresh water. Full enough. Get groceries. Check. Get Mandy. Check.
And we were off for the weekend! We drove to Seligman, AZ because that's as far as we felt like going for the night. Even cutting the total drive in half like that, we ended up parking later than we'd hoped. Isn't that always the case? We found a gorgeous spot off the highway and far from the train tracks in the middle of a ranch co-op land. It seemed there were no other humans for at least several miles in every direction. Maybe a dozen or more. It was quite remote. We wished that we got to spend more daylight there, but oh well. We parked in a small copse of trees and set to work on dinner. Chicken tikka masala and coconut rice. Again, yes, but we wanted to try and do it better. We failed I think, but that's okay. It was still good. We checked out the night sky but the semi-full moon washed out the stars. So, we went back in to watch a movie I don't even remember and pass out.
It's hard to want to build a campfire all the time when it's just us. We COULD. But it's chilly most nights, so it's more comfortable inside. And if it's just us, we're usually like why not be more comfortable hanging out together? And then our clothes don't smell smoky, and we don't have to worry what if we didn't fully extinguish it, our butts aren't freezing, we don't have to pack the chairs in the morning, etc. Maybe we're just killjoys though? I dunno.