Maggiolina AirTop Field Review (Part 1)


Bats & Rabies

Sorry for the hijack, however if it prevents someone getting sick i'm sure it's worth it. I'm sure some of you might have heard about the two
guys that found a bat, the first guy picked up the bat with a plastic baggy and the second guy for some reason stuck his finger in the bag and was bitten. By this point of this news i'm thinking what an idiot, then without a worry he goes on a three month world tour and dies
in Switzerland.

Im sure we all know to seek medical attention if we are bitten by a wild animal, especially a bat, but what i didn't realize is that rabies can be pasted through contact with the saliva of an infected animal like the common cold. Fortunately human deaths from rabies are few and far between. However bats are usually the cause.

Your bat encounter sounds harmless but it reminded me about the above article and the NPR interview I recently heard. So again I apologize for going off on a tangent.

Now back to why I'm here in the first place. Excellent write up. I'm a big fan of the Maggiolina line and the Airtop in particular. However at
$4000. it is almost 2X what I paid for my project vehicle. I'm also concerned about having a high center of gravity situation on my m725 which is almost 8" tall already.



At this point I agree with "yedi" about the struts cutting holes in the fabric. Really annoys me every time I use it to see the small tears, as I too have been very careful with closing the tent and caring for it. also
the tent/trailer is stored inside the garage at all times.
I used the tent again last weekend to go and watch the Hammers race, and lying in bed noticed that the headliner is pulling loose in the centre,,, and I also am thinking that I should have bought the unit with the scissor lift.
I have sent Mike an email will hope to see if they can remedy this.


Looking into these rtt's. Did they ever come up with a fix for the small tears issue? Any info on that would be appreciated.




I did not realize that Maggiolina has a 5 year warranty against manufacturers defects.
Got my tent situation taken care of, great service by Autohomeusa.


New member
Hey Yedi,

I found your detailed post about the Maggiolona black storm extremely helpful, as I am on the market for exactly what you bought. I can see your photos though in the post- is there somewhere else I can get you post so I cans we the photos?


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New member
Thanks for sharing all the details in the review. Regarding the scissor lift of the Maggiolina Airliner (with the handle rather than the gas struts), will this mechanism also pinch the fabric? On the Columbus I was told be the dealer that it was only a problem if the fabric wasn't tucked in correctly. Sad to hear that it is a problem in general on a tent in this price category!:-(


OverCamping Specialist
I have never had my canvas pinched with my AirLander.
It is a good idea to always go around when you are lowering the lift and tuck in the canvas.


I have yet to have that problem. Just take care in closing the tent and you'll be fine.


2020 JT Rubicon Launch Edition & 2021 F350 6.7L
The Maggiolinas are, to me, the premier RTT solution and they come with a price that would always be near impossible for me to justify. Nevertheless, I enjoy reading user experiences and reviews like these just in case I win the lottery (without buying a ticket).

I do wonder if the company/distributors sell replacement materials like a complete fabric set for long-time owners who want to replace the materials and keep the unit working like new? If they don't that would, for me, be a deal breaker.

Thanks again for sharing your experience.


I can try to take a photo but the james baroud tents also have the gas strut scissor lifts. They are wrapped in fabric which keeps them from cutting into the fabric. Maybe try wrapping them


New member
Would application of some moleskin help?
I have an Airtop on the way and once I get my hands on the unit I think I may lay some moleskin on the strut areas that look like they might slide by the fabric on open/close and see it that might help.
I like the idea of a fabric sleeve though too -- any progress there?


I sure hope this issue has been resolved. My new Airtop will be here by the end of next week.

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