Never seen one discussed. I have read through all the Redarc dcdc options (their bcdc line), Renogy too.
I think it's kind of in the name... dc to dc. You're asking an inexpensive tool designed for 1 thing, to do 4 others too... if it existed it would be $$$$$ and work poorly on one or the other. Dc to dc are designed to flow
from alternator/starter battery, to house battery, and isolate the two when alternator isn't running, so your start battery isn't drained. Asking it to also be an ac charger for 2 separate probably dissimilar batteries, an AC to DC convertor, and to stop isolating... like asking for a motorcycle that is also an RV, but can also be a boat

maybe someone built one, but would you want to pay for it? Seems much cheaper, more reliable, more fault tolerant, and easier to repair, if you just buy the small purpose built circuit packages already made to do each specific job.
For AC charging, you have 3 widely different needs:
1. 120v Shore power, high amp pass through to run stuff directly. AC appliances direct.
2. Car lead acid or AGM starter battery, only needs a trickle charge, needs to be from charger that can autosense chemistry and auto deliver optimum charge profile, not overcharge... Noco genius line perfect.
3. 120v charge of house battery. Needs way higher amps than starter battery trickle, some Lithium can do 1400 to 2000 watts input! Needs to autosense battery chemistry for proper voltage profile charging, or be purpose built for that battery. Needs to have high power for rapid charge, and also allow slower charging to extend battery life when desired. The AC charger pack that comes with your power ststion, or specced for your battery, can do this.
So really, you need two small and inexpensive items: a $30 to $50 genius 1 or 2 for starter, and an AC to DC battery charger.
All that may be obvious to you, can't tell your level of knowledge from your post, hope it helps. If not you, then some other reader