MAN 4x4 Truck camper build


Stir immediately after use, but then give it time for things to dry out. Leave the fan on at all times and let it sit. The longer it sits, the more pleasant the dump/reload. Do dump the urine and rinse the bottle if it is not going to be used.

To me it sounds like a lot of work. Stir immediately after use??? Ouch! :) What's wrong with the cassette toilet? No need to stir at all. :)


We tried a cassette toilet for a while a few years ago. For us, the problem is carrying all the chemicals, then the emptying, the cleaning, and the of course the smell. That's whats wrong with the chemical toilet.


Expedition Leader
Iain beat me to it. "Stir" means to turn a crank three or four times. I use my foot.

Nothing wrong with a cassette toilet until you have to empty it. And you do have to empty it a lot more often.

Most of those who don't like composting toilets and are convinced that they smell or don't work are people who have never seen of used one. Try one; you might like it.
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For us, the problem is carrying all the chemicals, then the emptying, the cleaning, and the of course the smell. That's whats wrong with the chemical toilet.

Well, don't you need to carry the absorbent material? Or you can just collect anything from the ground for it? :) And no, we don't have stinky bathroom in our truck, trust me. :)


Expedition Leader
Well, don't you need to carry the absorbent material? Or you can just collect anything from the ground for it?

Your choice. In the US, most folks use peat moss. You can also use coconut coir, various forms of pet bedding, straw, etc. You basically need something that will decompose and allow air to circulate. The trick is, you don't need much (a normal reload is two gallons of material) and you don't need it often; the worst we have gotten, two adults, using the toilet exclusively, is ten days. The longest that I have heard of under similar circumstances is six weeks. (Haven't gotten achieved that yet.)



The trick is, you don't need much (a normal reload is two gallons of material) and you don't need it often; the worst we have gotten, two adults, using the toilet exclusively, is ten days. The longest that I have heard of under similar circumstances is six weeks. (Haven't gotten achieved that yet.)

Hmmmm… That sounds really good, actually… But where do you empty the toilet when you have to?


Expedition Leader
Hmmmm… That sounds really good, actually… But where do you empty the toilet when you have to?


For short trips we use our compost pile at home. For longer trips:

-- RV dump station, as long as it has water. (You are dumping dirt, not sewage, so you need a bit of running water.)

-- Dumpster/trash can (Total volume is about that of a few diapers.)

-- Cow pasture/range land, anywhere large animals are dumping as well.

For really wild camping you could dig a cat hole; the volume is not that great.


Really cool! May I ask you a question? :) Do you keep it in that big carry-on case?

Yep - the black case is for the drone. It has the remote control, the main body, spare props, prop guards, spare batteries, etc.

Lucky we have buckets of space to store things!


Yep - the black case is for the drone. It has the remote control, the main body, spare props, prop guards, spare batteries, etc.

Lucky we have buckets of space to store things!

Yep, that's what I thought. But let me tell you - if you go full time living in the truck like we do "buckets of space to store things" get full pretty quick. :)


We took the truck for a 'long weeked' down to the beach. It was 4 days of doing pretty much nothing at all.

I also took a new toy with me - a little Phantom Vision 2+ drone. It was a lot of fun! See some of the footage we took here:

Yorke Peninsula Camping in MAN 4x4 Truck/Camper - YouTube

Hmmm - OK... I can't work out how to embed the video. See it on the blog or watch it direct on YouTube to see it in a bigger size (or try full screen mode). It was filmed in 1080p, but when uploaded to YouTube it seems to be very low resolution, so it's a bit blocky, but you'll get the idea. Still working on getting my head around video stuff.....

Great video, nice to see you using your truck like it was meant to be used :) That looks like a great area, will have to add it to our list.

Love the aerial shots, and it is so nice to see both of you in the video, looks like you had a great time. So many photos and videos are of "ghost town" campsite with no one around. You need to get Asher a "dog cam" . The drone looks good, image quality is excellent. I was thinking of a DJI F550, but that looks great and a lot simpler with less exposed parts.
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I am so ridiculously jealous of y'all.

The life you are living - but ALSO the MAN CC 4x4 that you can buy in Oz!

Although I do have to ask - with the two of you, why did you choose a CC? I have been looking for a CC cabover 4x4 option here in the US, and there really aren't any, but I'm looking for one because I've got 2 kids (8 and 10) that would necessitate a full-size camper and actual riding seats. Some of the vendors here in the US (ATW, etc.) say that the kids could ride in the camper (connected) while you're driving, but that seems really sub-optimal to me.

Keep living the dream out there!!!


Hi Jream,

We went for a double cab because we want to take friends/children with us from time to time. When there is only the 2 of us, we have plenty of room for the dog, and if he doesn't come, then we'll just use the space for storage.

We are planning an 8 week trip in April/May next year up to the very north west of Australia (Broome/Kununurra/Lake Argyle), and 2 friends are flying in to meet us there. They only have 2 weeks holiday available. We'll pick them up from the airport and then keep on driving!

We also have grown up kids who will occasionally want to join us.

The 'visitors', whoever they may be, have to sleep outside in a tent, although I am looking at a tricky bed setup across the rear seats of the double cab...

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