Manifold Cooking


Looking into the Hot Dogger for the 4Runner, man I can see it now hot Amy's burrito's for breakfast heck yea!


Let me know what you come up with. We were out of town this past weekend and tried some hot pockets. Wrapped them up in foil and had them stuffed for about 2 hours. Kind of between the firewall and back of the intake. I would have gotten it closer to the heat but there are a lot of hoses back there. I'm thinking the best spot is on top of the intake near the diagonsis box and engine hook.


Manifold Box- EZ Bake Oven Cooking

Update- took the LC to Cal City yesterday riding dirt bikes. Stopped in Palmdale, about 1 hour out, to put lunch in the new EZ bake oven- frozen fully cooked turkey meatballs in red sauce, steamed veggies, corn on the cob, potato wedges, corndogs for the kids.

Arrived, set up our site, rode for an hour or so and came back for lunch. With the exception of the potato wedges, everything was deeeelicious.:victory:

The trick seems to be to gauge cook times by miles and engine temp. It's real easy to overcook stuff in there. Containers make a difference as well. The rigid but disposable tin foil contaners (think take out) work real well. Meat without sauce placed directly on the box surface tends to boil/ roast.

So, I'm getting there. I have recipes for margarita shrimp (45 miles only) and pork tenderloin (250 miles) I want to try next. Cook book available in stores near you soon.


Expedition Leader
Let me know what you come up with. We were out of town this past weekend and tried some hot pockets. Wrapped them up in foil and had them stuffed for about 2 hours. Kind of between the firewall and back of the intake. I would have gotten it closer to the heat but there are a lot of hoses back there. I'm thinking the best spot is on top of the intake near the diagonsis box and engine hook.

I'm hemorrhaging money for some reason and my bank ship is sinking. While a cheap mod I'm afraid I might have to add this to my Christmas list. I will try and mount mine on top of the Header for best results.


Maximus Ram

Expedition Leader
Thanks for the link.
I was reading the thread thinking, why not use an ammo can and ,bam, it says that some folks do use ammo cans....hmmm...let see if I can get one to fit the XJ..


New member
Should call it the easy bake engine

I am thinking of doing this and was wandering if I installed a egr temp probe in the box if I could monitor oven temperatures

The box would be like dronotekfab's box

David Harris

Expedition Leader
I used to be a chauffeur for the MGM hotel in Vegas, a long time ago now, and had a friend who used to heat his left overs up on the limo engine while he was waiting for a call. Anyway, he was warming last night's fried chicken up one day when a call came in to get to the front quick to pick up guests to go the airport. However, in his hurry to get to the front door, he forgot about the chicken on the manifold . . . About halfway to the airport, one of the guests asked where the smell of fried chicken was coming from . . . ::Wow1:



Hot Dogger

I just got a F800GS and the revival of this thread got me wondering if there is a way to use my hot dogger on the bike. Anyone ever tried it?


Active member
I just got a F800GS and the revival of this thread got me wondering if there is a way to use my hot dogger on the bike. Anyone ever tried it?

Never tried a hotdogger on a bike, but i cant see why it wouldn't work! We used them on our sleds all the time. As long as you can find a spot on the exhaust that will fit it your good to go! The muffler might not get quite as hot on a bike since its farther from the motor than the pipes on a sled, so you might have to cook them for a bit longer.

They also make a unit that straps a can to your muffler. (super easy to build yourself BTW) Nothing beats a can of hot chili and some sausage dogs on a cold day in the mountains. Haven't ridden sleds in awhile but still have the hotdogger.......ought to strap it on the jeep and go for a drive :bike_rider:

Hill Bill E.

Oath Keeper
Yep, nothing like some hot food for lunch or dinner!



Other than hot dogs wrapped in foil, and those store bought burritos, I'm more of a 'Reheater' than a 'cooker'

I did try to cook porkchop once, but I don't think I left it on long enough.:snorkel:


Expedition Leader
F and 2F-engine Land Cruisers have a great built-in manifold kitchen, a flat plate with upturned edges that sits right on top of the manifolds. Holds two or more burritos easily, and they don't fall off while you're wheeling before lunch. :chef:

The 3FE has too much emissions crap on it to be useful as a kitchen.

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