I had a chat with my XO this weekend in the field and he brought up a good question. Are us military folks going to be able to travel to Mexico? I am going to check on the off limits areas when I get some down time. Anyone know anything?
Active Duty pax have current travel restrictions in Mexico. Only Guard and Reserves are able to travel down there, and it must be during non-duty periods. (I just did in full knowledge of my battalion commander.)
For AD: your command (at some level, likely O-5 or above) has the ability to authorize travel. They'll likely need a memo of request with a bunch of evidence that you won't die. When I was in command and these types of issues came up, I was like, "Pfft! Have fun and take me next time!" But, then again, I was a pretty awesome commander.

Most will not be comfy authorizing an exception to policy on this. I wouldn't even bring it up.
You can always beg forgiveness. Of course it all comes down to your commander, but I'd have a hard time believing that he/she would make a judicial offence out of it, like an Article 15 or something. That is, unless you ask permission, are told no, then do it anyway. Then it's out-and-out insubordination, for which I'd crush you, too. If you simply denied knowing the regulation, though, then they might show mercy... as long as you come home safely.
Not that I'm advocating breaking regs, as I'd NEVER [cough] do that, but really, it's not a huge deal. I know buddies who travel to Cabo and Cancun all the time on leave without anyone saying anything. If you're caught, I'd guess that your likely punishment would be a written counseling statement from your commander or NCOIC. A filed letter of reprimand from an O-3/O-5 is probably the worst you'd face, and even then, I'd think it would be a slim chance of happening.
Best of luck. Hope to see you down there!
PS> I am not a JAG officer, and none of what I've stated is to be taken as official advice. Just commentary. Don't blame me if your CSM tears you a new butthole.
PSS> For those of you who are military and do choose to come, I have some travel tips. I bet TacoDoc does, too. Bottom line: No one down there needs to know you're military. It's your business, not theirs.