I'll be following suite on building a rear lowering platform, so looking forward to the finished result.
I've built a few racks for enduro motorcycles, make a lot of mistakes, discoveries in the process. A front wheel chock to help hold the bike in place while you secure it is a great solution. Simply roll the front end of the bike into the chock, then you are relatively free to work around it.
I've tried straps from the bars to outriggers, shepherd hooks over the top of the seat, fixed anchors to the frame/subframe triangle, and the one I ended up liking the most is to affix the bike down by the foot pegs. They are typically robust enough to handle securing the bike down, so long as they do not actually support the weight of the bike (which you already have a platform for). I have used thru bolts (through the pegs), bolts with hooks over the top of the pegs, the chain links that you screw closed attached to eye bolts which then screwed down through the supporting platform, and have seen a few other options.
However yo do it, it seems that having lock washers (minimal) or nyloc bolts (slower but more secure) to keep things from backing off due to vibration, etc. is critical.
To give you an idea of what is out there for foot peg hook ideas, here are a few links to products out there that you can buy or borrow ideas from for your fabricator.
https://www.bikebinderz.com - Really like this idea, but the bike does move a little from side to side due to the chains only pulling in tension. In reality not an issue, but worth thinking about.
http://alljackedupinc.com - Goes over the peg. I have this carrier, and have never had issues.
https://ultimatemxhauler.com - goes thru the peg, which may be an issue if the size of holes in the peg are too small.
http://www.addabike.com/ABFHOMEPAGE.html - This one has to move out of the way to roll the bike on, then move back securely to interface with the peg. Most promising in my book in terms of speed and security if you can dial it in.
Best of luck.