This question probably means I should not be a buyer
What is the realistic schedule for maintenance and what is parts availability like?
Thank you
This question probably means I should not be a buyer
What is the realistic schedule for maintenance and what is parts availability like?
Thank you
Not a problem. The way most people drive it, the maintenance schedule looks somewhat like that. Change the oil, fill up with diesel and keep air in the tires. The maintenance schedule is fairly similar to car. But I recommend being more diligent on prevantative stuff. Don't neglect the grease-nipples, change the diesel and air filter depending on your driving habits, adjust your valve clearance and so on. Just the regular user-manual has detailed picture tutorials on how to do all those things. The maintenance manuals I have dig into finer detail on how to pull a tranny, engine etc. This is the benefit of a mid 80's truck - you do not need any software to fix stuff it.
Here are my 5 cents on parts. All filters and belts can be purchased anywhere on the globe. Here in the US, Wix, Donaldson and Man have been the easiest choices for me to find those. The injection pump, alternator and some other parts on the engine are Bosch - easy. A lot of parts (keys, ignition, hardware, etc. are used in the SBU Mogs) There are a lot of parts on the truck that can be found in other trucks occupying the streets here. But it is obviously not always as easy as walking into the local auto parts store and finding a fitting item. Getting your self a EPC will help cross reference parts and having a good diesel mechanic around is worth a lot. Terry Lee Enterprises, Couch, Jim Ince etc. are experts in one or the other area. Being a german speaker myself, I usually order directly through MB Germany (some locations have specialized in older vehicles), or various online platforms like and others. Either way - you learn pretty quickly what you can get where. Having said all this - the only item that I ever "had" to replace was the 24 volt alternator. The local alternator shop had the original Bosch one in stock because there are some Fedex trucks that this gentlemen is servicing that use the same unit. Hope that helps.