@ Wazak:
Excuse me but I did not get what calculations you were referring to as I, until then, had only guessed, which was not acceptable.
@ Sitec:
No sir, far from that. The front and rear pivot points are located, according to my measurements in the setting described, 31 and 27 centimeters respectively below the upper level of the frame rails, that is, some centimeters below the frame rails themselves.
Nothing was easy, and not only regarding the project. One day, we were visiting my brother in law in the country while he was spraying some odd smelling fertilizer on the peach trees and the old and faithful Montero got stuck on a simple ditch crossing. The transmission broke after a few hundred thousands of kilometers of abuse, according to him.
To make a story short, the transmission went out and it was, in the end, replaced by a second hand one but in perfect condition.
Meanwhile, I went on with the restoration of the rest of the pieces of the cabin. The mudguards were already painted but the supports for the position lights were stored apart and forgotten, and they looked pretty damaged. I restored them and a few other parts as well and then put them all back in place. They looked pretty good to me.
Found the ID plate of the truck, and bolting it back was like a ceremonial, something like an official rebirth of the truck.
I realized that the supports of the lateral mirrors were missing, and I needed those mirrors to drive the truck, of course. I went to the countryside to take out the original supports still bolted to the cabin of Spare the truck.
The poor Spare, or what was left of him, still had something to give. It was a two hour struggle, though, to take the rusted bolts out.
The supports were restored, and soon after the mirrors were in place.