I called AntiGravity yesterday and they told me that they will not honor the warranty unless the product is purchased through one of their authorized sellers. I don't remember that much about the Uniform Commercial Code, but I think they they have to honor the warranty if it is a legitimate product, purchased new, whether the seller is approved or not. Any lawyers who can comment on that? Their authorized sellers are not allowed to sell the products below a set minimum price (about $140 for the XP-1), so any price below that would indicate an unauthorized seller (per AntiGravity Customer Service). This is fishy, because Snap-On is not listed as authorized, but Snap-On trucks were selling these a couple of years ago (my first one came from a Snap-On truck). AntiGravity told me that Snap-On is still authorized, even though they are not listed on the website. Sounds to me like they are trying to support the prices and their preferred dealers, at the expense of the customers. That does not sit well with me. The market says these are $105 units, not $140 units, and there are lots of alternatives because they have no patent protection. AntiGravity claims that their cells are of higher quality than the competition's. I call bull**** on that (mostly). These have become a commodity item.