Montero advice needed.


New member
Hey guys, I just posted over in the Isuzu board asking for advice on a Trooper, and came here to ask the same about the Montero. I have gotten bit by the overland bug and have narrowed my choice down to either a Montero or Trooper. My budget is about 5 grand, but like I said in the other post I would like some wiggle room. Most of the time it would be used as a daily driver, but plan to get more serious later down the road. I have read quite a bit about them, but I am sort of confused with what years to look for vs what years to avoid. I have noticed I see alot of "Sports" around, but not many regular Monteros. Only thing I have to take into consideration is that I pull a pretty steep grade every other week or so, thats about it.

I look forward to what you guys have to say, thanks!


Personally, I'd avoid a Trooper. If you think aftermarket parts are scarce for Montero's then try hunting for a brand no longer even sold here. $5k will get you a decent early Gen3 (01-06), but no wiggle room unless it's a clunker and no money left for upgrades. You'd be better off with a Gen2 (92-96) or Gen2.5 (97-00). Decent stock unfiddled ones will go for $2500-4500 as rule of thumb range. Find an SR trim level with a rear locking diff. The Montero Sport is not the same kind of vehicle nor as capable offroad, but there are some still decent models out there. It's essentially similar to a Toyota 4Runner where the Montero is like the LandCruiser. For a Montero Sport the one to have is the rare 01-02 3.5XS, but 4x4 was only an option so it'll be tougher search.


New member
I appreciate it, I have had pretty crap luck finding an SR model, only one ive come across here is a smoker and burns oil. I am up in central CA and I guess I need to broaden my search area. Comparing a Gen 3 vs a Gen 2 and 2.5 what are the major differences when it comes right down to wheeling and capability? Are the automatics pretty stout in these things? I appreciate all the info.

Edit: Also is there a breakdown for what the different trim levels offer, like an LS vs an SR for example.
I wouldn't consider LS, just wait for an SR with rear locker as Jay stated. As far as differences go, pre-97 I believe were DOHC, 97+ is SOHC version, it's up to personal preference, but the consensus seems to be SOHC is better based on the simplicity vs DOHC, less moving parts. Gearing also changed through the years, pre 97 is 4.62 and 97+ is the less desirable 4.27, but swapping gears is an option, as well as using 4.9 from some montero sport (others can give more details on this). If you look at the truck in person, just check the tag in the engine bay, it lists the gears installed. Rear air lockers seem to be pretty common on gen2's, I think the option they were included with on gen2.5's was the winter package. Most people don't advertise if it has the locker or not, cause they never use it, but look for an orange tag about the size of a playing card on the drivers side trim around the shifter, that's a dead giveaway that it does have a rear locker. The LS will have less options, cloth seats, no locker, no flares/cladding, 1" lower, etc. If the budget is 5k I would be looking at a montero, a 3rd gen 4runner with e-locker, or high mileage 80 series cruiser, trooper wouldn't make the list.

Here's 2 in CA.

Gen2, switch next to cig lighter is rear locker switch

Gen2.5 notice the orange tag on the shifter trim, indicates it has rear locker
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Was in the same boat about 3 months ago Trooper Vs Montero. Both have their Pros and Cons. I ended up buying Montero. I will share my personal opinion, YMMV


+ I felt the 3.5 LT engine is slightly more peppier than Montero 3.5
+ Choice of manual transmission
+ More room inside as compared to Montero
- Automatic transmission is a bad design and is prone to failure
- Most of the 3.5 LT engines had oil consumption issues
- Avoid Torque on Demand models
- Rear locker is not a factory option


+ Engine and transmission very reliable with regular maintenance
+ Factory lockers option
+ Personally like how montero looks compared to Trooper
+ Parts are easy to come by here or more so abroad, more popular around the world than Trooper (If you thinking across country expeditions)
- No manual transmission option (Gen 2.5)
- Initial cost buying used may be higher compared to similar condition Trooper

Both are very capable trucks out of the Box and are relatively easy to work and cheaper to maintain. Way better efficiency compared to similar generation Jeeps.

Happy Hunting


Expedition Leader
I would stay open to the Montero Sport, unless you need the extra seating or reaaaaallly want the locker (which you could install later but sports can be had with an excellent LSD). It's worth test driving both.
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These guys are going to overwhelm you with amazing lists of pros and cons but just to weigh in my 2 cents, if you have 5k to spend go buy a solid GEN 3 and save for upgrades.


New member
Awesome, I really appreciate the replies guys. I will definitely keep hunting and maybe even take a look at the sports. Are all 4WD sports equipped with the LSD? Also, anything I should be weary about with the gen 3's?


Awesome, I really appreciate the replies guys. I will definitely keep hunting and maybe even take a look at the sports. Are all 4WD sports equipped with the LSD? Also, anything I should be weary about with the gen 3's?

Not sure on the Montero Sport LSD thing.

For the Gen3 it has more electronic gizmo's than previous generations. Especially the '01-02 Limited trim level which included Sportronic 5spd and electronic 4WD select. XLS had manual 4WD selection those years and lacked a sunroof unless it has the uber rare Sun and Sound Package. After '03 they all had the Sportronic 5spd and electronic 4WD select. Just make sure everything works. Also, oil consumption/smoking can be an issue with any Mitsu from 150k miles on up.

Where in central Cali are you? I'd recommend going up SF way, or being willing to come down to LA or other SoCal areas for more selection.


Just bought this 2000 Montero Endeavor for my son to drive to college. Is has some issues, like all 15 year old vehicles with 180K on the clock, but overall it is a solid little truck. Wouldn't mind having one myself to play with. I love my big truck, but many times a Montero size truck would be easier to get around in tight places with.



New member
That is killer Maximus, I am jealous. Jay I am up in central CA, Los Banos to be exact. In between Fresno and Modesto pretty much. I am willing to travel south for the right one, but just don't know quite enough to make a 5 grand decision far from home, if that makes sense. I doubt anyone on this board is local to me either, which sucks because id be paying someone to go look at one with me.


Expedition Leader
Awesome, I really appreciate the replies guys. I will definitely keep hunting and maybe even take a look at the sports. Are all 4WD sports equipped with the LSD? Also, anything I should be weary about with the gen 3's?

No, typically the Limited Models are (which is what I would be after). Some of the XLS and 3.5xs have them but it's fairly rare. For example on my 3.5xs the original owner actually checked the box requesting a limited slip (and it's on the order form) but it didn't come with one....however a used 3rd member can be had for $300 and easily swapped in. You may find you like the size of the sport better vs the full size.

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