Montero Gen 2.5 (NL) Capacities, Part Numbers and Specialty Tools List


4.90 Gear and parts

Here is a list of parts I used to install the 4.90 gears in a 1999 rear locking differential. The prices are for new Mitsubishi parts from

Part Number..................Description...........................Jan 2016 Price Paid
MR124858....................4.90 Ring & Pinion Gear Set......$ 336.76
MB837842....................Pinion Spacer.........................$ 6.83......Not a crush sleeve, used to set pinion rotating torque with correct shim
MR580530....................Pinion Oil Seal........................$ 14.71
MR179440....................Rear Pinion Bearing Shim Set.....$ 22.99.....Used to set pinion depth
MR569391....................Front Pinion Bearing Shim Set...$ 31.31......Used to set pinion rotating torque
MB837844....................Rear Pinion Bearing & Race.......$ 46.86
MB393471....................Front Pinion Bearing & Race......$ 34.28

I didn't purchase side bearings since I reused the ones in the differential. You will have to remove one side bearing to remove the air locking diaphragm so you can install the ring gear.

I would suggest buying two front and rear pinion bearings. Hone out the ID of one set to use as setup bearing for easily changing shims until you get the correct pattern. Then you can install the permanent bearing with a press or by heating.


Expedition Leader
**If you've installed a part and can confirm that it fits the Gen 2.5, please post the brand, part #, and a description of the part so it can be added to the list**


DENSO 234-4738 O2 Sensor, Upstream Right
DENSO 234-4742 O2 Sensor, Upstream Left

FRAM FV350 PCV Valve (per twocommas)
MITSUBISHI MD183547 PCV Valve (per TheMole)

Is there a rear O2 sensor?


No Road Required
If you need a new transfer case lever and can't find one in the junk yard, you can buy it new at or

MR110334.............Lever Assembly.................$183.75

Other option is to replace only the worn bushing itself, with a new one. I paid $22 shipped.

View attachment 339711

Part number for the replacement bushing is MD701605.

I would suggest greasing it before the install, with white lithium or something similar.


I went to pick up a Sears DieHard Platinum the other day and discovered they'd been discontinued. I can't post links yet, but a quick search reveals several forums that indicate they're not sold anymore.

I went with a O'Reilly Auto Super Start Platinum (size 65) which is apparently a re-branded DEKA, it's been great so far, but it hasn't really seen any real testing.


4.90 Rear Part # MR124858
4.90 Front Part # MR124860

For those that want to do R&P swap to your Monty.


"OK, here is the 'no-kidding' answer:

01-04 montero sports with 3.5L engine and 4.90 gears have the correct diameter gears for the gen II and gen II.5 monteros with the 3.5L engine. I called a part yard and got the VIN of a Montero Sport (JA4MT41RX3J013876) with 3.5L engine and 4.90 gears. I then took that VIN to a few dealers and had them produce to me the part number for the front and rear ring and pinion gear kits.

Rear R&P Kit: MR124858
Front R&P Kit: MR124860

At that point, I knew without doubt that those gears were the correct match for my brother's 99 montero. We got them shipped from OR to AZ for $550 both front and rear, saving $350 from the price at the dealer of $900 for both kits brand new.

So, if any gen II or gen II.5 owners are looking for 4.90 gear kits, they can find them in 01-04 sports with the 3.5L engine and 4.90 gears. It is official, the VIN produced the correct part numbers."
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Expedition Leader
I think the NGK spark plug info needs to be updated. Per the NGK website, I'm getting this:

Screen Shot 2016-11-08 at 10.06.59 PM.jpg


Expedition Leader
Well! I have no idea what that screen shot posted so small.
Iridium IX Spark Plugs with 0.044" gaps, Part #BKR5EIX-11, Stock number 5464 (as opposed to #7994 posted on page 1)



NGK Laser Iridium OE plugs as posted in the sticky are a different model from the Laser Iridum IX in your screen shot.

Read more here ---> link

That said, both should work.
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Front Brake Pads : Akebono ProAct Ultra-Premium Ceramic Disc Brake Pads ACT530
Rear Brake Pads : Akebono ProAct Ultra-Premium Ceramic Disc Brake Pads ACT567

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