I had to leave Mitsubishi for the first time due to how much abuse and neglect Montero owners inflict on their rigs, i couldn't find a nicer example than my '99 with 220k miles on it. I looked at an '06 with 60k miles and it had just been trashed cosmetically, i could look past that sort of thing but i imagine the owner took care of the mechanical end as well as they took care of the truck itself.
Gen 3's are so few in numbers too that there's not a lot of options as far as finding a late model in good condition, hopefully Mitsubishi will make good on their Montero teases and give us something to buy. Even if most of the "wheelers" will probably buy it used after a few years lets hope it becomes popular like the first two generations and Sport and we see a ton of them out on the road. I kind of wish i had bought that brand new 2006 Gen 3 Montero back in 2009, I'd have a really nice driver still <Yeah that's one reason they don't sell the Monty here anymore...