So this summer a friend of mine described a pota-potty set up he say on a trip that had a bag in it that was full of a gel that removed most of the smell and made end of weekend clean up easy.
He never got a name of it of manufacturer. Does anyone know of this creation of at least something similar.
My wife would be very grateful. She loves camping and wants to go back woods with me but first thing in the morning she likes a place to go that is not a hole with a bucket over it or go far a walk with a shovel. :elkgrin:
He never got a name of it of manufacturer. Does anyone know of this creation of at least something similar.
My wife would be very grateful. She loves camping and wants to go back woods with me but first thing in the morning she likes a place to go that is not a hole with a bucket over it or go far a walk with a shovel. :elkgrin: