Mortonm's 2001 Xterra Build


Nice axe ;) Now are you going to mount it on the roof rack like a real BA? Haha.

Civil war- After visiting and touring through several battle grounds on my trip, my family's involvement hits closer to home now. I'm definitely interested. Mine was in the last union brigade to be called by Lincoln into battle.

On the boots, Stioc, look at Lowa "zephyr GTX mid hikes." I have several hundred hiking miles on mine (literally) and they have been nothing but comfortable both in dark damp conditions in the Pacific Northwest, home projects, or in the 100+* days in the southwest. Built by hand in Europe, you can find them at REI. designed in Germany.


Expedition Leader
Hahah too nice to mount inside.

Love the family history, always the best kind.

My Dads side fron Scotland showed up in Canada in the 1850s and my moms side in 1820. My something great grandpa was an army officer (surgeon) at the battle of waterloo and was given land.


Expedition Leader
10 days until the star of my trip! The first 5 days will be spent in West Virginia, we are actually getting some help from the boys at Mountain State Overland with our route planning. Local knowledge is always best!

Then Wednesday we will be spending the whole day at Gettysburg. Thursday through Sunday we will be heading back through Pennsylvania likely making a stop at Bald Eagle State Forest.

Stay tuned for mid week updates and pics if we get ahold of some WiFi.

I will be posting pics to my Instagram as well. Username "mikemorton0"


Expedition Leader
7 days out. Here is an overhead picture of our 3 day route planned by Mountain State Overland, many thanks to them !



Trip sounds nice!

I'm headed down to that Nissan offroad meet end of September, and hope to drive Skyline Drive & the entire Blue Ridge Parkway if time permits. I'm not too confident yet in my offroad skills to include offroading on trips without support.



Expedition Leader
Trip sounds nice!

I'm headed down to that Nissan offroad meet end of September, and hope to drive Skyline Drive & the entire Blue Ridge Parkway if time permits. I'm not too confident yet in my offroad skills to include offroading on trips without support.


Sounds like a fun trip. For me its all about conservative decision making when your bout alone, sometimes you just have tobfo around and there is no shame in that


Expedition Leader
Were on our way back tomorrow so the trip report proper will start sometime after.

Currently no mods planned, seems to do all I need and ask of her

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