Mounted the powertank


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
Boston Mangler said:
Also, on a HOT day, i wonder if the heat would effect it? Black should attract more heat. Any ideas on that?

Not gonna be any more hotter than it sitting INSIDE the rig on a 80 degree day. At least it gets air outside.

But i'll keep any eye out for it bursting the safety valve;)

"Q: “What if the tank is caught in a vehicle fire? Will it explode?”
A: No. There is a built in pressure release cap on all of our main tank valves which releases the pressure well below the burst pressure of the tank if it got too hot."

Im not worried about it. I know more people that run them on the outside of their rig than the inside actually.
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Boston Mangler said:
Ditto! They get nasty and inoperable quick! Trust me, i know! :D

I was wondering the same thing, 2 of my buddies with 80's got rear ended good in the last 2 months, making me nervous.

Also, on a HOT day, i wonder if the heat would effect it? Black should attract more heat. Any ideas on that?
Yes, heat would definitely adversely affect CO2 tanks. However, I doubt you will see any difference in the tools attached to the other end. It's not like you need accuracy, you just need to maintain proper pressure to operate your tools. A lot of us paintballers use an expansion chamber for CO2 specifically. These expansion chambers is good for cold and hot environments, allowing the CO2 liquid to expand to its gaseous state before being fed into the firing chamber. The worse that would happen in tools is the ingestion of liquid CO2. A little oil is a oil your tools daily when using CO2 as a gas source.

Steve Curren

I fill my tank at a local bottling company, they fill my 10 lb Co2 for $5.41. I have found that a 20 lb tank will fit in the Power Tank holder and I am going for one of those.


Try for refills. Unfortunately, all the companies in my city will not refill on the spot. They will either exchange them or send them out. So, I might have to look for a ratty tank to exchange.


OG Portal Member #183
hoser said:

Yeah, that is the company that does mine

hoser said:
Unfortunately, all the companies in my city will not refill on the spot.

Same here, usually its a drop it off in the am and pick it up 2-4 hours later. Recenly i gave up and just started doing their on the spot cylinder exhange, wasnt that important to me, cause my tank looked like crap anyway! :D


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
pskhaat said:
How do you like those Hankooks?

So far so good man... only have two oil changes on them. They're quiet.. seem to hold up for expedition use and they aren't wearing fast (that i can tell). The price is awesome too, i think i paid $145 a tire. Don't have anything bad to say about them yet.. but it's still early.


SOCALFJ, Spectrum gas in Costa Mesa does on the spot fill-ups.
Here is their contact info:

Spectrum Gas Products

1355 Logan Ave
Suite 12
Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Spectrum Gas Products is full service compressed gas company.



Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
JayP said:
SOCALFJ, Spectrum gas in Costa Mesa does on the spot fill-ups.
Here is their contact info:

Spectrum Gas Products

1355 Logan Ave
Suite 12
Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Spectrum Gas Products is full service compressed gas company.


Thanks man, but i wasn't the one looking for a place.. i have a 'on-site' fill station 5 mins from me :victory:


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
devinsixtyseven said:
with an expansion chamber, would it be possible to run the tank sideways? not store, but use?

Kind of.... It can be mounted sideways or even up side down but the tank must be upright or at least at a 30-degree angle while being used. The reason it must be upright during use is because you want the liquid at the bottom of the tank and the vapor at the top coming through the valve and regulator. We highly recommend that your Power TankTM be mounted in a vertical to 45° minimum angle position so it does not need to be removed from its mounting bracket for each use and so it is never mistakenly used in a horizontal position. In an RV, storage sideways in the cargo hold is fine.
Like that, almost. What I mean is, can liquid CO2 be run through the valve without harming the valve, then continue to an expansion chamber like those used for paintball guns, so the tank can be used while horizontal? With the expansion chamber, you wouldn't be running liquid through the regulator, but can liquid run through the valve without issue?

My welder works this way...the CO2 bottle (liquid, 12oz) lies sideways and passes through an expansion chamber before reaching the regulator. It's actually the same 12oz bottles commonly used for CO2 paintball guns.

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