MPG & Reliability?


Pontoon Admiral
LOL, yes, I read "why I love my LR" and there was no one that mentioned they love them because of the great gas savings or that they never break down....LOL! They just love'em :smiley_drive:

There are several for sale, milage at about 70K to 140K from probably $5K to 10K, not much for a $40K vehicle just a few years ago. I have to say that in the used market that's alot of luxury for the $$!

But that's if I get to drive it and pass a few gas stations too. I wouldn't buy a Prius either as IMO they aren't sufficiently tested on the road yet.

I could easily buy a LR with the sales tax money I've paid from past years buying all kinds of vehicles. My problem has always been upkeep, I do take care of them, but new, old doesn't seem to matter alot, it's either keep it in the shop for dealer required maintenance for warranties or keep it inthe shop because something broke. I love all kinds of vehicles and a curse them all. LOL

I appreciate not having the flowers and sunshine puffed up my as*. Maybe I could have a Pathfinder shortened and put the disco body on it!

This thread might help with the same question being asked so often since the issue is in the title. I couldn't find the overall reliability except as stated. You guys have sure mentioned all kinds of qurks though, not much on mpg.

I think that if I went with a $5/6K specimen, it would mean twice that in maintenance...that old "you get what you pay for" addage. Going 10/15K and still having some issues along with the gas bit I think is probably too rich for my blood now. 10 years ago I should have done this, but I'm a retired phart now and don't feel like throwing savings in a vehicle, I have other things to burn money on and who knows how long the fun will last! I like to get off the beaten path and travel, but now I see why so many old pharts are in motorhomes (not that those things don't break something every two thousand miles!).

There is still time to talk me into it! I do like them!:coffeedrink:


We are lucky here, being able to get diesels, so economy is not really an issue for us, but there are still a lot of guys that still buy the V8, if your buying a V8 here, your not really worried about it's milage.

Take one for a spin, then decide, trust me you will love it, AND, look after it and will last as long and be as reliable as any other 4WD.


disco 03

New member
Mpg is what it is. My 03 gets about 9-10 mpg around town when i use it for work, less in winter. If you are trying to rationalize your potential purchase, seriously, Rupp was correct, look at a toy or a heep. Land Rovers invoke your inner passion for the legend of land rover. Just as some folks want a jeep or lc or 4runner, some folks want a rover. I would posit that if you talk yourself into buying a rover and it isn't really in your heart, you will be very unhappy in a very short time.


Pontoon Admiral
Yes, I understand that as well, it's a Harley thing. Just as every Harley rider probably pictures himself being Easy Rider or some bad as*. I'm secure enough to ride a 1600 Vulcan, LOL!

The thing that attracts me to an LR is the posible longevity, seeing a 1969 Defender running around makes me think it could be my last vehicle, that it would last as long as I do!


Yes, I understand that as well, it's a Harley thing. Just as every Harley rider probably pictures himself being Easy Rider or some bad as*. I'm secure enough to ride a 1600 Vulcan, LOL!

The thing that attracts me to an LR is the posible longevity, seeing a 1969 Defender running around makes me think it could be my last vehicle, that it would last as long as I do!

That guy with the 1969 Land Rover has probably done a LOT of wrenching on it over the years. Same as the guy with the 1969 International Scout, or 1969 FJ40...


Pontoon Admiral
Very good point, I guess they all do. If I moved up 35 or 40 yeras guess I could get by without so much wrenching...huh?


Don't buy a Land Rover unless you are capable of, have time for, and enjoy working on your own truck.

Period. Full Stop.


Pontoon Admiral
Okay! That was pretty clear, lol, I think I'll take that advice. So, as much as I admire them, it's off to something newer, less maintenance.

It took me a long time to catch on to the vehicle thing in the US. Cars and trucks are pretty well banded, in groups or classes. It's going to cost you XX dollars to drive anything in that class or size. Prices are pretty well manipulated or fixed for each class. Buying a brand new anything will cost more than a two year anything in that class, if you get a good one.

Any suggestions?


Okay! That was pretty clear, lol, I think I'll take that advice. So, as much as I admire them, it's off to something newer, less maintenance.

It took me a long time to catch on to the vehicle thing in the US. Cars and trucks are pretty well banded, in groups or classes. It's going to cost you XX dollars to drive anything in that class or size. Prices are pretty well manipulated or fixed for each class. Buying a brand new anything will cost more than a two year anything in that class, if you get a good one.

Any suggestions?

What are you willing to spend?


Okay! That was pretty clear, lol, I think I'll take that advice. So, as much as I admire them, it's off to something newer, less maintenance.

It took me a long time to catch on to the vehicle thing in the US. Cars and trucks are pretty well banded, in groups or classes. It's going to cost you XX dollars to drive anything in that class or size. Prices are pretty well manipulated or fixed for each class. Buying a brand new anything will cost more than a two year anything in that class, if you get a good one.

Any suggestions?

It's not necessarily that other things will have less maintenance (although it's certainly possible!). It's that maintenance on a Land Rover is tricky. The tricks are easy to work on, but most parts have to ordered or bought from a dealer only. Most mechanics won't touch them, and when you find one who does, the hourly rate is usually high. That is unless of course you have a good local independent specialist. I can't speak to that, as there are none near me.

I don't buy into the "new cars are more expensive than used cars" thing. Most of my coworkers buy used, and they usually spend more than me, because they don't do their own repairs. Nobody does anymore. A new car comes with a warranty.


Pontoon Admiral
Sorry I was much, it depends on what it is I guess, but not over say 25, but that becomes my primary vehicle and would want good MPG. I have 5 vehicles, I need to clean out the garage! But thinking more like 10 and under. If there were an older one that was in good shape, needs interior or paint (which I can do) even better. I bought two 89 Raiders, one runs very well and the other for parts. The good one has a rust issue that I have posted about before. But I also crawled under the other day and it appears that it is not as bad as I thought. I do like it, but it does need work...I think, so I'm really at a point where I could sell those andafew more and do something else....or keepthe Raider and fix it up. Engine/car has 110 K so not bad.

That was a good looking burb, but kinda big for me.

So, any suggestions?

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