A bit in the way of advice: Do not stop on the way home and pull someone out if a feild and get it all muddy before you work on your truck!
I live, I learn. :victory:
Yeah, thats my bad. I was trying to be a good Samaritan in Mike's truck.... made him turn around to help the guy out.... whoops. Dumb ******** he was, sure enough.
When Mike's attempt at just pulling him backwards with about 10ft of tow strap failed, and got him stuck, I commanded Mike to get out of his own truck for me to extract the truck... which took a bit of persuasion but having been in the same situation before, knew what to do. Being from Louisiana is beneficial
By the end of the escapade, I managed to dig holes over 1ft deep. We then winched the car backwards to the front of the Learymobile ruts, then had the guys friend yank him to the left side of picture (you can see the 90* ruts going left) with a 4x4 Xterra. The friend would have certainly gotten stuck as well trying to pull out the car.
Anyways, I felt bad for getting Mike's truck dirty, but we should have either snatched the car out or winched it from the pavement.
Good practice.