We went on a little road trip over the holidays. Head out west for about 11 days to visit family, and see a couple things.
Here's the route we took.
Spent the first night at a rest stop, and the second night in Mojave. This was our view just after leaving camp.
Next we heading to Sequoia National Park for a big tree fill. We had some snow getting to the General, and chain were required at the time we were there.
We tried visiting Yosemite on the 26th, but there was over a 2 mile wait just to reach the park entrance. After leaving to park we started heading in the direction of Redwood State Parks, and slept at a rest stop again.
The next day we made it to Redwoods, and spend the night at Jebediah Smith State Park. We headed up the coast to New Port Oregon the next day.
Visited family for a couple days, and walked the goats.
Washington was the last stop, and we saw a couple things. Spent the day is Astoria at a park, getting fresh sea food, and stopping at Buoy Brewery.