Muddy Maze District Trip

Number 7

We had a a wet muddy adventure at the Canyonlands Maze District over the weekend. It was beautiful, cold and harsh camping conditions, but it was fun and we learned a lot about surviving out there.

Click the 1st picture to link to our trip report and all the pictures:

It's hard to decide, but here's a few of my favorites:



Here's a link to our Spot Adventures where you can see our tracks:

Maze Overlook & Dollhouse Spot Adventure

The White Cliffs Road we took out of Hite (It bears mentioning that this track is shown with start & end points swapped, but as I mention in the description, I'm too lazy to try to fix it).

d :snorkel:
Enjoy!! d :sombrero:
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Just here...
I love looking at all of these and then feel a tinge of sadness when I realize that Im on the East Coast...
Heading down there in a few weeks, what were the temps like at night?

Granted it will probably be colder in a few weeks but still curious. Also how were the trails pretty muddy? slick?:)

Number 7

Nighttime temps were COLD, but not sure on the exact reading. If it's clear when you go it'll probably be colder, take your cold weather gear.

Trails were slick, but like I said, they were completely soaked. Have fun & be safe! d :coffeedrink:

David Harris

Expedition Leader
I love looking at all of these and then feel a tinge of sadness when I realize that Im on the East Coast...

You've got to get out there sometime. It's another world compared to the East. Several lifetimes of off-roading wherever you go in the West.


Bigassgas Explorer
Great trip report Number 7. A few buddies and I did pretty much the same trip in July but the weather was totally opposite. A very hot 110-115 most of the time and dry…..The highest temp we experienced was at 122 at the Hite marina as they were repaving the main road in to the marina. My buddy and I were talking about your trip report today and would love to make a wet trip out there next time. It is amazing how much different the trail and scenery is when wet. Looks like fun and much more challenging!

Trip Report from the July trip to Hole in the Rock and The Maze District

Flikr pictures


Bigassgas Explorer
:) We even parked in the same spot at the Doll House. We didn't camp there though but want to next time.



Number 7

A few buddies and I did pretty much the same trip in July but the weather was totally opposite. A very hot 110-115 most of the time and dry…..The highest temp we experienced was at 122 at the Hite marina as they were repaving the main road in to the marina. My buddy and I were talking about your trip report today and would love to make a wet trip out there next time. It is amazing how much different the trail and scenery is when wet. Looks like fun and much more challenging!

Trip Report from the July trip to Hole in the Rock and The Maze District

Wow, it must've been hot then! We did the Hole in the Rock road in Sept. last year and it was HOT then, can't imagine it in July, not to mention the Maze.

:) We even parked in the same spot at the Doll House. We didn't camp there though but want to next time.



You also stood on the same rock to take the picture as I did!!!

Thanks for sharing!! d :sombrero:


Great trip report Number 7. A few buddies and I did pretty much the same trip in July but the weather was totally opposite. A very hot 110-115 most of the time and dry…..The highest temp we experienced was at 122 at the Hite marina as they were repaving the main road in to the marina. My buddy and I were talking about your trip report today and would love to make a wet trip out there next time. It is amazing how much different the trail and scenery is when wet. Looks like fun and much more challenging!

Last year it was a little warm, in the 80's. So this year, we moved the trip to 2 weeks later hoping for just slightly lower temps!


but it was great to see the same scenery wet, completely different. i really like the desert like that, everything has more contrast.



For second there, it looked like Tom Hanks was staring back in the mirror. Just for a second though. Nice pics, have to make it there someday.


Bigassgas Explorer
Adding to 1st Post: Here's a link to our Spot Adventures where you can see our tracks:

Maze Overlook & Dollhouse Spot Adventure

The White Cliffs Road we took out of Hite (It bears mentioning that this track is shown with start & end points swapped, but as I mention in the description, I'm too lazy to try to fix it). d :snorkel:

theksmith does indeed look like a young Tom Hanks!

SPOT is such an awesome tool. Because of SPOT my wife lets me out of the house for days at a time where she can watch me roam around like an ant in an ant farm. If we are moving on the screen, at least she knows we are alive and she doesn’t worry too much. :)

Our SPOT Adventure pages almost look like we were traveling together. I want to hit that White Cliff Rd next trip as it looks pretty cool.

Our SPOT Adventure page from July.

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