Common Sense and the ability to apply it to the situation presented at the moment!
The Ability to enjoy any situation for the experience it provides you.
Many an adventure has been ruined by the adventurees inability to see it for what it truly was.
The realization that the "Jones'" don't matter, and you don't need an RTT, OBA, Winch, Snorkel, GPS, Fridge, Titanium sporks, and a $3000 Khaki wardrobe to experience and enjoy "overlanding".
The Ability to enjoy any situation for the experience it provides you.
Many an adventure has been ruined by the adventurees inability to see it for what it truly was.
The realization that the "Jones'" don't matter, and you don't need an RTT, OBA, Winch, Snorkel, GPS, Fridge, Titanium sporks, and a $3000 Khaki wardrobe to experience and enjoy "overlanding".