Must haves, dont bothers, not needed but really cool. What's on the list?


Common Sense and the ability to apply it to the situation presented at the moment!

The Ability to enjoy any situation for the experience it provides you.

Many an adventure has been ruined by the adventurees inability to see it for what it truly was.

The realization that the "Jones'" don't matter, and you don't need an RTT, OBA, Winch, Snorkel, GPS, Fridge, Titanium sporks, and a $3000 Khaki wardrobe to experience and enjoy "overlanding".


You probably know if your vehicle is reliable or not. You can do this in a compact car if thats what you have. Get out there and take a couple of weekend trips close to home. You will learn quickly what you use and what you forgot. I like to keep kits packed and ready to go, keeping the stuff I have to check and pack before each trip to a minimum. It takes some discipline to do the cleanup and repacking, but it pays off in less pre-trip stress and knowing that you have everything you need when your in the field.

Kits to pack/check before every trip
1. Food - includes the cooler/fridge, dry box, water containers
2. Clothing - usually have the basics ready to go. Based on season and destination, I'll review before each trip for adds and subtracts.
3. Ditch bag - cell phone, radio, plb, maps, compass, camera, books, weapons, hiking poles, head lamp, bivvy, wind shirt, fleece, personal hygiene items, first aid supplies. Usually packed, I double check contents and add trip specific items.

Always Packed and ready to throw in the truck - refreshed after each trip.
4. Kitchen - stove, fuel, pots/pans utensils, spices, cleanup
5. Shelter - tent, sleeping bags, flashlight, pads, sleeping clothes.
6. Toiletries - portable toilet, TP, duplicates so I don't forget to pack anything.

Vehicle kits that I don't always carry in the vehicle, always packed and ready to go.
7. Tool kit - fairly extensive.
8. Spares - oil, ATF, oil filter, fuel filter, jbweld, zip ties...
9. recovery gear. straps, hi-lift accessories, gloves etc.


It takes some discipline to do the cleanup and repacking, but it pays off in less pre-trip stress and knowing that you have everything you need when your in the field.

That little tidbit make prep and even travel much more enjoyable. I hate having to hunt for things.

6. Toiletries - portable toilet, TP, duplicates so I don't forget to pack anything.

TP = AIP (All Important Paper)

If you are traveling in moist climates, you will thank yourself for keeping it in zip loc type bags. It's the small stuff.


New member
BUGNOUT!! Thank you for your imput and great list of things to help me get started in the right direction. I appreciate you helping me develope a list of things to get me started on my journey to be as wise and experienced an overlander as all the folks who have already learned as they went. Thanks for the help.


Mandatory Trailer Essentials;

No trailer is completed without a permanently installed bottle opener.


You can always tell if someone is a true traveler when they also have a spare one mounted near by.


Generally you will fall for the trap if getting stuff. Stuff that looks cool, stuff that gets the great reviews, stuff that the random person in the forum said you need, stuff you will get as gifts.

After a couple of trips you will start to edit down this stuff because some of it breaks, some is useless, some is too bulky, some is too complicated, some is a luxury that you really can do without.

However some stuff will become indispensable, some will become the trusty go to item, some will become like grandpas axe (three handles and four new heads), some will end up going everywhere with you.

But in the years to come you will tell more people about the great trips you've had rather than the cool whatchamacallit.


Some good points so far.

Must have's:
Good folding chairs - I enjoy comfort when enjoying my coffee or book, etc. Make sure the chairs are strong enough to hold your weight and easily accessible even for a lunch stop.
Some form of shade - You will not always have the option of natural shade when you stop.

Start out small and make your own decisions on what is needed and what isn't. Folks travel comfortably with a small backpack and we can too but we can also bring some extras to make our trips more comfortable. So somewhere between a back pack and a 40 foot RV.

Hill Bill E.

Oath Keeper
No trailer is completed without a permanently installed bottle opener.

That's the great thing about using an M416 for your 'Expedition Trailer', the little tabs for the tarp tie downs are natural bottle openers!:elkgrin:

Must have's:
Good folding chairs -
Some form of shade -


Good chair, a way to make shade, and a roll or 2 of TP in Zip-Lock bags!

I keep a roll in each rig, and one in my hunting vest.:snorkel:


Must have's:
Good folding chairs - I enjoy comfort when enjoying my coffee or book, etc. Make sure the chairs are strong enough to hold your weight and easily accessible even for a lunch stop.
Some form of shade - You will not always have the option of natural shade when you stop.

Start out small and make your own decisions on what is needed and what isn't. Folks travel comfortably with a small backpack and we can too but we can also bring some extras to make our trips more comfortable. So somewhere between a back pack and a 40 foot RV.

I feel a little bit embarrassed about trying to figure out how large or small to make my gear trailer. My daughter just spent the last two months touring the Pacific Coast (and camping) on her bicycle!


No trailer is completed without a permanently installed bottle opener.
Got by for years without one...then this spring realized how much I needed it. Luckily my buddy could find his portable one easily. I'm still lookig for the perfect permanent one. Actually, two, one for trailer, one for truck.

Found one that slpped into a 2 inch receiver somewhere but that's not it.

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