Progress is coming along with the build. I *finally* ended up getting my shell in. I went with the Leer 100RCC, with factory installed tracks and the reinforced roof. It also has a removable tilt-down front slider, sliding windoor sides, and cargo hooks in the ceiling. Other than a few small (in the grand scheme) nagging design flaws, I love it. I took a handful of pictures over the last couple days so I have some current ones.
Projects still remaining (tentative order pending any sales or craigslist finds):
1. Come up with track nuts to anchor and mount my racks
2. Wire up all of my LEDs once the racks are installed
3. Find a full size tire carrier (most likely in-bed mounted to utilitrack)
4. New battery and setup of a power distribution block to accommodate all of the new electronics
5. Modify (to accommodate sensor holes), paint, and mount my fab fours rear bumper
6. Finalize my rear suspension with the parts I have waiting in my garage (overload leaf pack, new ubolts, heavy duty shackles, traction bars)
7. Acquire and mount/wire an OBA system
8. Come up with a plan for installing an in-cab inverter (most likely a 1500W)
9. Big-3 upgrade/grounding kit (more for peace of mind than anything else really, with all the electronics I have onboard)
10. Finalize paint scheme (quite a few parts that need some line-x lovin' eventually)
It seems like a lot, but honestly probably half of that list is more of a time commitment than anything else, such as the rear suspension and wiring.
I have several things on the other side of the horizon that I'd like to get to eventually, but the 10 items above will wrap up the core of my build. I'm still hoping to take my first major expedition early summer, so I have some work to do