My buddy sunk his 03 Discovery, now it won't start.... Help? Pic!

Drove into some water, doesn't seem to have spark. The ECM fuse blew, but was replaced. The car started the morning after and ran well for about 15 seconds at which point it died again and would only sputter and backfire. Now it won't even sputter or backfire at all. There is not water in the oil, and it was not hydrolocked. I am a Toyota guy so this Land Rover has me scratching my head.


Pictures as promised.



Did you dry out the ECU and related connectors? You may want to pull it out and disassemble it to make sure it's fully dry.


Well, at least it appears to be freshwater..

Pull all the connections apart in the engine bay and hit them with some contact cleaner/electrical dryer. How much water got into the interior? There's a bunch of goodies under the divers seat that don't take too kindly to getting wet. Might want to check those out and see how things look.


Expedition Leader
If the engine was nice and warm, the crankshaft sensor is prone to failure
and would have been nicely dunked in cold water during its bath.

failure is intermitant function- total no start

Start from basics- sparks at the spark plugs ?

if there's sparks

Spray wd40 into intake -Fires or not ? check for fuel problem

Water sadly gets everywhere, mostly effects the high tension wires, or electronics


MAF. Clean it. CAT, check it.

Just because its a Land Rover doesn't mean it is substantially different in engine operation to any other gas powered vehicle, even a Toyota. As above, check the basics and look carefully at the electronic components required to make a modern vehicle run.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Sell it ASAP. Trust me you don't want to even mess with it.

From by looks of it the tcm, ECM, slabs, becm, airbag ecu, wiring harness blower fan, maf and prob transmission will have to be replaced. Then there are the pulleys and water pump ect that could go out.

Don't drive it until you drain and refill the trans 4 or 5 times. Been there done that. It wasn't worth the effort especially at the price you can get these things for.


There are a bunch of relays and things that don't like to get wet up under the passenger side kick panel. Don't forget to dry them out too...


was water sucked in thru the intake? may want to check to see if the air filter is soaked. A worst case too could be a vapor lock if water was ingested or even bent valves.


New member
Original owner here,

The good news is that the Rover Lives!

I dried out the computer, and replaced the crankshaft position sensor and it turned over! I am very excited, but i'm still not out of the woods yet.

My multimeter will not connect to the computer anymore which is a new development

Also the s/m mode flash together (according to the manual it's an electrical short and puts the vehicle in limp home mode) and D (drive) flashes. I believe this is due to the xyz switch. At first P,R,N, and D flashed, but after running for a period of time D is the only one left flashing. I will disassemble it this coming weekend and try again. It would make sense to me that the switch could be the culprit, but then again i'm kind of an idiot....

Shout-out to UK4x4 and all you other fine folks for the help!

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