Aug. 2018
Part Two [Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park]
It's a long drive for us to get to southwest Colorado. We also live at approximately 1000 feet above sea level. We could reserve a campsite at BCGNP and arrive there near dusk and not have to search out a campsite. MD & OD had never been there. We set it as our first night's destination for all those reasons.
We arrived and set up our camp. We had two small backpacking tents for the three of us. We did not bring the "deluxe" accommodations because of the backpacking plans. We cooked ourselves a dinner once camp was set. Then it was time to explore.
We loaded back up in the truck, even though we had been in it for 12 or so hours already, leaving home just after 5:00 a.m. This time we were just planning on cruising the rim of the canyon and checking out the overlooks. I hoped to make it to Sunset Point for, what else, sunset.
We stopped at several of the overlooks. Then canyon is amazing for it depth and relatively narrow width, not to mention the formations of the rocks.
We arrived at Sunset Point about 10 minutes before sunset. There were about a dozen people there. We took a small side trail away from the overlook landing and sat on some rocks. People were talking quietly to each other. As the minutes passed and the sun began to set, everyone grew quiet. It was a very beautiful night.
The next morning we packed up our camp rather early. But we were not done with the park. We were at the ranger station at 8:00 a.m. to get a permit to hike the Gunnison Route to the bottom of the canyon. I had done it once before, as documented in this thread. My two friends had not.
It is called a "route" and not a "trail" for a reason.
This route has a length of chain that covers a short span for assistance in trekking through a steep section.
We made it to the bottom. MD, being the cold water lover that he is, helped himself to a dip to cool off.
We ate a snack, took some photos, wondered in amazement at the canyon, and then headed up.
We made it back to the truck at noon. We left the park. We had places to go.