August 2019
Part Two [First Night at GSDNP]
We made it there around 5:30 p.m. after leaving around 5:30 a.m. We found our reserved campsite. It turned out to be pretty nice. We later had some noisy neighbors, but the overnight rain took care of that problem later.
Anyway, we set up camp and cooked dinner. It consisted of the food we had brought and cooked on the grill--hamburgers and Pringles potato chips.
We walked out to the dunes. We did not climb, but just hung out on the dune side of Medano creek. The weather was unsettled. The clouds were fantastic.
After 30 minutes or so, we headed back to camp for the night. We would hike the dunes in the morning.
Part Two [First Night at GSDNP]
We made it there around 5:30 p.m. after leaving around 5:30 a.m. We found our reserved campsite. It turned out to be pretty nice. We later had some noisy neighbors, but the overnight rain took care of that problem later.
Anyway, we set up camp and cooked dinner. It consisted of the food we had brought and cooked on the grill--hamburgers and Pringles potato chips.
We walked out to the dunes. We did not climb, but just hung out on the dune side of Medano creek. The weather was unsettled. The clouds were fantastic.
After 30 minutes or so, we headed back to camp for the night. We would hike the dunes in the morning.