The two things that this Camper didn't have that the newer ones did is space for a fridge and a Diesel Heater:
My 45Qt Engel would not fit in the front box, but measuring showed a 35qt Engel would fit. I figure that with the 50 qt ARB in my cruiser would be more then enough for Beer, some food and . . Beer. I sold the 45qt engel and called up Christo and ordered the 35qt. I'll take some pictures when it gets here.
The last two times I was in Moab it was freezing, in the 20's at night. I fortunately had a Mr Buddy heater. Those don't last all night with a 1lb bottle of propane and there is the danger of CO poisoning. Even though I had a separate CO monitor, this is not a good long term solution.
Even though I no longer have an Adventure Trailer, I talked to Martyn at AT and bought one of the Heatsource 2000 propane kits they have. I wanted propane over diesel. The Diesel Heaters tend to suck battery power (at least what I read), and I didn't want to have to carry another fuel type. I will likely get a 5 or 10lb tank as a backup as that would last a few days if the 30lb went empty.
The Heatsource came and it was time to figure out where to install it. Unfortunately, it's a bit wider than the Diesel heaters so it wouldn't fit under the bed on the sides. After a few . . .beers and a cigar, I decided the only place it would fit is the storage box under the bed. The next dilemma was how to route the hot air and return lines.
I finally decided to avoid more cutting on the underside, to route the hot air and return lines to the lid
Now the nervous part. Cutting holes in my new camper.
I first cut two holes out the back of the area for the exhaust and combustion air inlet. Next cut two holes in the lid and used a dremel to open the hole to fit the covers
You can see how thick the lid is with the piece I cut out sitting there
Finally, drilled more holes for a robust mounting bracket. Don't want this bouncing around offroad
After getting the hoses installed onto the unit, I installed it and bolted it in, drilling another hole for the propane line
I am short hose to reach where I put the air inlet, I'll order some more.
The combustion lines wrap around the underside and face the rear
The gas line connects to a propane hose and runs up to the tank. I had a custom 12 foot hose made, but got a pipe fitting end instead of a flared end to connect to the yellow hose you see in the pictures. I'll take it back and get it modified. I put a seperate valve on the propane so there would only be gas in the line when I want to run the heater
I installed the temp controller just above the mattress, I used Velcro until I am sure thats where I want it.
You can see the controller in the left of the last picture and the air vent covers on the top of the storage box under the bed.
I made a groove with my dremel on the left side for the cords to run up by the lid with it remaining closed
Can't wait to get the hose replaced and test it
I did have one "oh crap" moment I am still looking into. Before drilling I looked and located the water tank in the middle part of the trailer with no hoses exiting the bottom side of the box.
When I drilled the bottom holes for the mounting bracket, water started coming out the bottom side, a gallon or so I would guess. I thought I had just wrecked the water tank. Went and looked again and validated the tank and all the associated input and output hosing and drain plug are further towards the front.
The material inside the camper is thick, its possible there is a gap that water from the tank if overflowing can venture back to this point. That still doesnt make sense to me. There are no hoses to pump water out of this area and no drain to get water out. The space for water is about an inch all the way around between the inner liner and the outer metal box on the bottom.
As a precaution, I used quite a lot of "plumbers Goop" in all the mounting and hose holes to provide a water seal. Next time I take it out, I'll fill the tank and see what happens. I also sent an e-mail to Kimberley and we will see what they have to say
EDIT: Kimberley got back to me and said the "You may be getting water accumulating between the metal and plastic boxes you can drill hole in bottom to drain and replace with a grommet because there is no pipes running near there"