My Journey


Fossil Overlander
Really Kafka......

New Mexico ?


Be Safe - and make sure you have enough food & water.

Panicy people are weird. Not to mentionthe rest.

Smooth travels !


Well-known member
I get the officer's reason, but not his reasoning. Good on you for remaining respectful, when it would've been so easy to argue your point.

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I just can’t understand their zealotry in enforcing the rules at this time. On the other hand, I sure do love New Mexico and have had wonderful experiences there. Good luck and stay safe!


I live in Tucson. Where Ace just left. We are all adjusting street by street. City byt City. Person by person. Patence is the key and undstand that all are stressed and that humanity is our best tool. Team work with a 6' radius.

Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
I live in Tucson. Where Ace just left. We are all adjusting street by street. City byt City. Person by person. Patence is the key and undstand that all are stressed and that humanity is our best tool. Team work with a 6' radius.

You’ve got me confused with someone else here. I haven’t been in Tucson in quite a long time. I did plan to go down to Southern Arizona this spring but some bugs stopped me.

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Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
Panicked people do a lot of unpredictable and weird things, I have seen it quite a lot.

For the BLM guy, maybe it is one of the small things he can "control" in a time with so much uncertanity.

Stay safe, stay remote. Happy tails and safe travels

Hopefully sent from somewhere pretty and remote. With my entertainment and navigation multitool. Contract AEMT, Firefighter, MCPIC,Remote Medic and Safety Manager.
JD.....when I get there I will share.....thanks....

Ace.....actually I did not go to New Mexico. I drove 30 miles to the west and am camped in the same general area. Apparently the way the law is written is that you must be at least 25 miles away as the crow flies. Since the route I took was circuitous, it caused me to travel 30 miles and I'm actually only about 10 to 15 miles from my last spot in Gila Box. The chief ranger agreed that this spot would be fine and he said that he would be in contact with all his rangers and would tell them that he had approved this new location.....

Arjan.....what is "really Kafka" ? Maybe confusing ? Anyhow, thanks.....I always enjoy your input.....

tgil.....combativeness is not my nature.....

ghostdancer.....I agree and I had hoped that they had just simply ignored me.....I am very thankful just to be coronavirus free.....

Tucsontom.....I extended the 6' rule to 6,000'.....seriously.....'s actually the national policy of BLM right now to enforce this rule (I just happened to see an article on this last night on my Google feed). What strikes me as odd is that each state is handling it differently since it is a federal agency. But then I see what's going with each state handling the coronavirus differently, the federal government taking no responsibility, so I guess that this is where we are going. I just feel like our federal government has become one huge failure.....

So it was that late yesterday afternoon that we finally left Gila Box Riparian National Conservation Area. On the way out Tanner and I both took baths and I washed my hair a final time. Of all things I miss while living on the road is clean hair ! We filled all our 19 one gallon water bottles (3 of which now leak) and I also thought to fill my 10 quart bucket (unfortunately only 2 quarts remained after the drive here).....

I'll get back to writing about our stay in Gila Box tomorrow but on todays post I just wanted to share photographs of last nights wonderful sunset. Tanner and I sat on the side of a mountain for an hour watching it all take place.....its at times like these that I'm able to be grateful for all that I have been giving in life. Last night was filled with much suffering in the world everyday.....

Here is what we saw as it all unfolded.....











Day 15 of my life living off the world is small yet my world is immense.....flatten the curve...
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Holy Sunset Batman!

I just came across this add and it made me think of you and your dog:
I’ve not tried it, and really only know what the website says, but since water is sometimes scarce for you, and Tanner is sometimes itchy it sounds like it may be worth a try...

Stay safe and healthy- avoid people! (At least until the apocalypse is over)

Sent from an evil pocket calculator with a flashy screen using Tapatalk
ITTOG.....yea, that evening was an exceptionally nice one. It was probably 70 degrees with a slight wind, songbirds were abundant, humidity nonexistent and the smell of the spring flowers was in the air. We sat there and took it all in and like I said I just felt so can become quite an emotional event because my thoughts for others suffering never escapes me.....

furbucket.....Tanner has a prescription shampoo which works great. At his last appointment roughly three weeks ago in Tucson I paid the veterinarian $110 for a single shot which supposedly would protect him for 6 to 8 weeks. It did nothing. The key to treating his skin allergy issue is to wash him with the prescription shampoo and clean water immediately after he gets out of the river / lake.....

One of the beauties of this self quarantine has been the way that it has forced me to slow down. I'm one that enjoys movement but now my movements are done mostly by foot. And by slowing down the way I have, I've now got the time to enjoy so much that in the past I may have overlooked.....


At least once a day, and often more, for 14 straight days, Tanner and I would hike down to the riverbank of the Gila River.....



It's difficult to see wildlife here as the presence of man is not far enough away.....



But I still found enjoyment each day by seeing the tracks of the animals that visited the river during nights darkness.....


Sometimes we would follow a single track for maybe a quarter mile or maybe even more.....


What I thought were clearly deer tracks may not be so.....I learned that the track of the javelina looks much the same.....


Other tracks I'm not so sure what they were.....possibly fox, raccoon, or coatimundi.....I wish I knew more.....


The river bottom was such a wonderful place to escape the realities of life.....the songbirds sang and were accompanied by sounds of the rushing river.....


Day 16 of my life living off the grid.....the fresh vegetables are gone now and there's little fresh fruit remaining.....the fresh bread is nearly gone as the next few days we may need to drive into town.....flatten the curve...


Fossil Overlander
Sorry - I thought "Kafka" was something world wide know..

"Kafka's work is characterized by nightmarish settings in which characters are crushed by nonsensical, blind authority. Thus, the word Kafkaesque is often applied to bizarre and impersonal administrative situations where the individual feels powerless to understand or control what is happening because it is happening because of a certain reason or rule that usually conflicts with another one.."

Banks in France are a prime example of Kafka. In order to get electricity to the house one need a bank account to pay for it. So you go to the bank to open an account. In order to do so, one needs here to show hwere you live - usu. by showing an electricity bill. The bill you can only get when you have a bank account....

Love the pics !

Be Safe.


Well-known member
I understand the emotion of those suffering. If not careful it can lead to guilt but you are great at helping others. Unfortunately we can't help them all.

I would love to know what animal went with what tracks. That has always made me curious.

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Arjan.....just because I'm not aware of Kafka does not mean it is not known worldwide. And yes, Kafka it was.....

ITTOG.....I'm fascinated by the animal footprints and with the rivers waters receding daily.....the footprints would increase as each day passed by. Regarding guilt, that is not an emotion that I am experiencing. It's just frustrating when the best thing that I can do is to disappear. A lot of people are suffering and it's just difficult to watch. Soon I'll have a $1,200 stimulus check deposited into my checking account. That is not money that I need nor that I deserve, so I'll be passing that money on (I know exactly where it is going). Lots of families in dire straits at the moment.....

I noticed the weather patterns changing during our two week stay and the weekly rains of spring which come early in the year here in southeast Arizona now seemed to have vanished.....


Each day that we walked along the river I noticed a slight drop in its width and its depth.....



A large island that had previously existed now became the new shoreline.....and now we had new lands to explore.....



Pools of water left behind were filled with small minnows.....their death more than likely coming in just a few days as the pools would soon dry up and quickly disappear.....




The beavers were hard at work doing whatever it is that they do.....I never saw one but once I heard the smacking of their tail against the waters surface.....and I saw the small trees recently knawed on that lined the rivers bank.....


The river bottom was my favorite place to walk.....early in the morning is when the songbirds were most active.....other than the birds I saw only a rabbit along the shoreline in a 14 day appears that the ranger was correct when he said most animals here only come out at night.....


Day 17 of my life living off the grid.....just trying to cope with the worldwide pandemic.....flatten the curve.....


furbucket.....Tanner has a prescription shampoo which works great. At his last appointment roughly three weeks ago in Tucson I paid the veterinarian $110 for a single shot which supposedly would protect him for 6 to 8 weeks. It did nothing. The key to treating his skin allergy issue is to wash him with the prescription shampoo and clean water immediately after he gets out of the river / lake.....

No worries- just thought it could be another option since it says it’s a water-less dry shampoo...

Keep on avoiding the world- I can say I truly wish I was somewhere sleeping in a tent right now!

Sent from an evil pocket calculator with a flashy screen using Tapatalk


Well-known member
I would love to know what animal went with what tracks. That has always made me curious.
I am what I call an "outdoorsman". I love being outside, period. There are many activities I do while enjoying being outside and I have done my best to show the kids the things I have learned while outside. With each of them, I bought a "guide" of animal tracks of North America. I always enjoyed seeing how many we could identify on our walkabouts. As Jerry mentioned a few post back, the deer, hogs and javelina (collard peccary) can be difficult to distinguish between.

Jerry, the pics of the sand/mud, where the water was recently, look almost artistic! Nature's art, I suppose!

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