Jerry, just another thought for you, and others that may be reading this Forum,,,,, my Grandfather's Ranch was started by himself and his 2-Brothers, about 1919, right after WW1, he was 22yrs old, the Ranch ended up being right at 7,023 acres +/- Deeded, and we had Grazing rights to about another 100,000 acres +/-,,,,, now that might seem to some, to be quite abit of land, but put into Proper Perspective,,,, ie...
that High-Desert Country supports about 1-Cow & calf, per 100 acres,+/-, we ran between 600-700 Head of Cattle, during the Season,,, ie... usually early March thru Sept/October,,,,,, it is a Good, and Honest Life,,,,, 7-Days a Week, 365 days a year,,,,, Sun-up to Sun-set and then some,,,,,