My Journey

Thanks Chilliwackexplorer.....regarding the pictures, I like to say I'm no Park Kitchings, I just click the button on my iPhone 7. If you haven't checked out Park's photography yet, you're missing some good stuff.....

Hey Rpintx1.....thanks for the offer and your nice comments. My plan from here is to head further west. The whole health thing sucks. I've had a few issues over the past 7 years.....they were significant enough to make me change many of my behaviors, to be grateful everyday for the good health I have I understand where you're at. Wish you the best.....

I didn't plan to post again so quickly but while walking with the dogs this morning it occurred to me that I may have lots to post about, therefore I'll post up the last 24 hours of our travels.....

We departed Yuma and drove north towards Quartzite, Arizona. I'd talked with several people during our recent travels that suggested that I check out the largest RV show in the world, which is located in Quartzite. The show started this past weekend and is ongoining as I type away this morning.

Yesterday was a cold and windy day so we weren't out of the truck and camper all that much. We made a lunch stop along the Yuma Proving Grounds where I saw this sign which we obeyed 100 % (often I seem to have a bad habit of ignoring the signs).....


The scenery was quite nice as we left the cultivated vegetable fields of the southern most part of Arizona and drove north into the undeveloped desert. I found myself a spot for the night with thousands of RV's on BLM land. I've never seen anything like this. The number of RV's camped here is astounding .....



I think the only way to get an idea of the massive number of RV's that have amassed here for this show, would be with a drone. So I won't bother with anymore of the pictures. But here's a great looking rig. The owner told me he spent 40 hours removing all the decals and had invested $40,000 in renovating it. Someday I may move into this direction but not quite yet. I still don't consider myself an RV'er (nor an overlander)....



Not for me but I guess it works.....


Now it's off to the big show.....
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It's Day 3 at the big show and wow this really is a BIG show ! For the RV'er, I would imagine that most anything you could possibly want for your rig is available here. And if you don't have a rig yet, there's plenty of them available as well (although they're selling pretty quick.....more on that later). Since I'm in no hurry, and have no real plans as to where we will go next, I decided that I wouldn't spend more than 3 hours per day browsing. We arrived on a Wednesday and the show runs until Sunday.....time is on our side. So we spent the first day at the big tent which is enormous and is cramed packed with vendors, and also with the outside vendors which are adjacent to the big tent.....





My only planned purchase here were LED light bulbs for the remaining light fixtures in the camper. Bulb vendors are everywhere here so I puchased enough to replace every bulb including my exterior lighting. Honda has a booth here and they've got some fine deals on portable generators. I'm still in a hold pattern as I'm not sure where I could store one, and I'm not sure I actually want/need another generator. Now in my 13th year of travel, having rarely used one, well.....


Anyhow, I saw this sweet elderly lady at the show and she was so thrilled when I asked to have her photograph. She said "I'm from know illegals have been voting there for decades". I couldn't help but smile.....she was beautiful.....


And on the opposing side (this I saw earlier in the trip).....


But without a doubt my favorite vendor had nothing to do with RV's. This vendor manufactures and sells dog related items. So of course we chatted for quite awhile. He had to hear the story of rescuing Montana, and I told how much I loved working at the dog shelter prior to this trip. I hadn't bought anything at that point, and I was leaving the owner shouted hey and handed me an awesome tee shirt as a gift. What a nice surprise ! I might add that these people donate 50 % of their SALES to animal rescue. That really is incredible and it absolutely floored me.....




If you have a chance, please consider a purchase from them and check them out at
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Jerry....glad to see you're still out there roaming about and thanks so much for the compliment on my pics. I'm glad someone out there enjoys them. Enjoyed your post on the big RV show in Quartszite. I've always wanted to go check that out. I've camped in the area several times but never seem to be in the area when the show is going on. I like poking around at things like that and looking at all the stuff for a couple of days wherein I usually buy some junk I don't need. Being an avid dog lover I'm going to check out the site in your last post and buy something. I'm a huge sucker for anything that helps dogs. Hopefully, Petey and I will run into you guys one day. Take care out there and keep posting......................
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Hey Park.....yep, I think you'd enjoy the show here. While it's billed as an RV show, by far the majority of the vendors have nothing to do with RV's. And I know you have at least 2 fans 'cause my best buddy thinks your stuff is fantastic too.....

Less is more.....this is my creed.....this is my mantra.....this is what I base much of my life on.....


But Day 2 at the RV show really tested me. Beautiful motor homes & fifth wheels everywhere. And I'm guessing that they're priced right since these guys will sell 140 units in 9 days.....


I found the dream motor home and was seriously considering an offer. The salesman had me convinced that it was time to make a change in my life. I was kicked back in an oh so comfortable leather recliner in the motor home thinking this could be mine. I was dreaming to be honest. And just that quickly a couple that was also in the motor home said we'll take it and it was sold. The salesman said I told you not to wait. Hmmmm.....anyhow these things really were going fast. No B.S. I personally saw units go for $499,000.....$349,000.....$249,000.....& $289,000. That was in less than a 3 hour period. Simply amazing.....

So, the third and fourth days were spent browsing with the vendors mostly (I did wander over to the motor homes again). But all I purchased were a few tools and a few pair of those rubber work gloves.....never enough of that stuff and damn near free.....



Like I said almost anything is available here.....


One thing I've enjoyed quite a bit while camped on the BLM land are the evening and night skies. So many stars to enjoy here compared to most places. Looking forward to walking tonight under the Dark Moon.....



RV and boat shows are fun to wander around in to see how the people with deep pockets can spend silly amounts of $.
Back in the '90, 2000s's everybody had a motorhome. Some up into the $850.000.00 range and always came to bragging rights at times. How many batteries, water and waste thank capacity. Errr, a porcelain toilet?
I had (have) the baby 20', diesel, 4x4 Mitsu Fuso, 5 speed. I also seemed to have the same number of batteries, same size holding tanks and a larger fuel capacity. (And a porcelain toilet.)
I wasn't the most popular person after that evening listening to people brag. But they all had me work on theirs for years and I am the only one left with a motorhome. $38,000 in 1998.


RV shows are my favorite; I always find the coolest small time vendors; found once a husband/wife team that sold nothing but 12V appliances so I grabbed myself a few things I needed at the same for trips.

And bragging? Oh god, I have heard things about RVs including "how much crap I can hold"....uh huh....


We went through a period where everybody needed to own a boat. The boat/ camping shows were always fun to see what is new that they expected us to get sucked in on. I almost bit once for a pontoon boat. 36' 350 Chevy IO, all the things you would want or need on it. I got somewhere towards smart and didn't bite. I really didn't need to spend the $ on something that we had several of already. My brothers family still has theirs so his wife and daughters can go up a few times a week in the summer to waterski. Mike got tired of hauling his 26' Sea Ray over the hill to get it to Lake Powell. He just pays to store it there year around.
Now, everybody is into camping trailers...
Thanks JerryYuconMontana for giving us entertainment over a weekend.
So it was Saturday afternoon and I came to realize that I still hadn't made it to Quartzite yet so I left the big show, returned to the camper, picked up my best buddies, and headed into town.....


As you drive into Quartzite from the south you cross over the interstate and from that vantage point (up high that is), you get a good idea of the enormity of the big show. In addition, you get a bird's eye view of much of Quartzite. You hit the main light and you're either making a left or a right for the town. It's mostly a strip of businesses.....



Make a right at the light and you'll come across this really cool bookstore.....



I saw this sign inside and immediately thought I need to post this (you know me.....I like quotes).....


There's tons of rock and gem shops, RV dealers everywhere, and tons more vendors selling all kinds of junk. I picked up a few license plates for a friend that collects them. Here's a few pictures of the never ending flea markets.....




Now if you're curious what I'm thinking about in a motor home, here's what I like. It's a truck and I like that. Maybe this is my way of transitioning into senior life.....who knows. Of course I'd love a real expedition vehicle, but seriously, I just don't see the need for one (right now anyhow).....


As far as what's next with our travel plans, several days ago one of the camper shades broke and I found a guy in Yuma that will repair it for half the price of what I've paid in Montana in the past, so I think we're headed south for Yuma tomorrow.....
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Hey problem post anything you'd like. I think that everybody that posts these trip reports enjoys the feedback.....

Sunday was another day spent in Quartzite doing the same thing. I was glad that this was my last day here. I enjoyed myself, but I probably overdid it. One thing I didn't post much about were the long walks in the desert. Late Sunday afternoon I headed out for a solo hike (no dogs). I wanted to have a few pictures of the huge cactus that grows in this area, not to mention a little time to myself (without constantly yelling for the dogs). I have no idea what these things are called but they're fairly unusual for a guy like me that spends little time in this environment.....



The sun was setting behind the mountains and the temperatures falls quickly in the desert. It feels great.....



It got dark and I was still out there wandering around. I looked forward to the night skies.....


The following morning I was back in the desert but this time with the dogs. It was our last morning here so we enjoyed it together. Then we drove south to Yuma.....

First on the agenda was the repair of the camper shade. The dogs waited patiently in the truck.....


Next on the to do list (I've got a fairly long one to take care of) was a hot shower at the YMCA. It'd been a week and I was ready. And then the dogs had their turn. Adjacent to the YMCA is a canal (I wonder if they have rivers here cause I never see one). The dogs were filthy as well and with temperatures nearing 80 degrees they were so ready.....


We took a long walk along the canal. It was really interesting to see on one side Mexican migrant farm workers harvesting the crops....


And on the other side a golf course community with beautiful homes.....


There's such a contrast between their lives. Why are some people born with so many opportunities and others with so little ? I've been thinking a lot about this lately.....


Have a good time there. At this time some retired teacher friends are traveling between Quartzite and the Baja for the next few months and a group of 17 other friends are meeting them in Yuma in March. More retired teachers, nurses and a old geologists. I wonder how I met this group of friends and how I fit in?
furbucket.....yes now that you mention it, I think I did know that but wasn't recalling the name. They're pretty cool plants I think. Thanks.....

So just a quick update this evening. I spent the last few days in Yuma, Arizona with my quite long to do list. I almost knocked it out but the cops kicked me out (more on that later).....

So the last few nights were spent in the back of a Walmart parking lot. I had myself a perfect spot. Now if you've stayed at a Walmart you're probably aware that most of them have wild cats living in the bushes or storage bins or wherever. But they're literally everywhere across the country. And there's people out there that come and feed them morning and night. I've seen it.....a lot. So over the years I've never fed a single one.....I guess you'd say I'm not a cat person. But the Yuma Walmart had the cutest kitten living in a culvert so I couldn't help myself. There I was buying food for all the cats. I did it until the cops kicked me out (more on that soon).....


I spent 2 afternoons in the book store researching Baha Mexico and studying my map. I bought more maps and Mike & Terri Church's book "Traveler's Guide to Mexican Camping". I hear it's the **** when it comes to camping there.....


So.....this morning I open the camper door (it's 7:30 a.m.) with the dogs on leash and right there stood 3 Yuma city policeman. They told me I had to leave, right then, couldn't even let the dogs pee.....and I mean these guys were serious. Apparently there's a city ordinance against sleeping in your RV. Those guys cleared the entire lot. And if you're wondering, nope it wasn't posted so I didn't ignore the signs.....


We made a stop at the canal for a long walk & a swim before leaving Yuma. Montana just loves to gather rocks from the river and lake beds.....


This evening we're back in Calexico planning to check on the fuel situation. Then I'll make a decision as to where we go next.....


It's too bad that the police rousted you from the parking lot considering that probably 1/2 of the winter residents moved there in their RVs. I suppose they want you to pay for a spot to camp.
I've heard a lot of people camp out in the BLM land around the town. You already know about Quartzite.
When I was there I rode in on my Harley from Phoenix so a motel was sort of a no brainer for the night. I didn't take the Harley into the room that night but I removed everything that could be stolen.
Have fun on your journey.
Once again I find myself posting here much sooner than I ever would have anticipated but then today has been a day that no one could possibly anticipate either. This post may not be for everyone so you may want to end reading it at this point. As I said the events that unfolded were quite traumatic for me and they may be for you as well. But this is my story, my journey, and I'll share it as it is.....

This morning the dogs and I were out early for a walk along the border wall between Colexico, California and Mexicali, Mexico. I've been here before, maybe I could even say quite a few times. Border agents are thick here but they never pay me much mind. But this morning a truck comes barreling towards me and I'm thinking what the heck is going on. He stops, hops out of the truck and says "are you here to rescue the dog ?" Of course I had no idea what he was talking about so I simply said "huh ?". He then told me the horrific story. This morning someone from Mexicali had butchered a puppy, stuffed it into a bag, and threw it over the border wall. He said it was laying next to one of the light poles which run parallel to the wall, and that the puppy was nearly dead. I immediately headed that way and found the poor thing laying on it's side, barely breathing, and yes, nearly dead, just like he had said. I tried to help it up, it walked a bit, but it's strength, and probably it's will to live were nearly gone. I swooped it up, grabbed the bag, and was quickly on the phone with a veterinarian.....



The vet was great and 30 minutes later we were in El Centro and it (she) was getting checked out.....



The vet needed to clean up the wounds. It was unbearable to listen to the puppy cry. I had to leave and all I could do was ask that he give the poor thing pain killers and put it on my bill. It was shocking to see what these people had done to this puppy.....



The vet thinks she may have a minor fracture of her skull, nerve damage around one of the eyes, and possibly blind in that eye as well. The staff was great.....they gave her a small pink blanket and a puppy bed. They were touched every bit as much as I was.....


I spent the remainder of the day running around getting bandages, supplies for cleaning the wounds.....just a bunch of stuff.....


So now we have a new buddy. Her name is Mex. I'm not sure of her future.....heck I'm not even sure of mine. But for now she's with us. What this does to our plans for Baha.....I really don't know. She needs to see a vet in 10 days to have the wounds looked at. So.....we shall see.....
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