Jim Oaks
If you need financial help with vet bills and have a Pay Pal account, let me know, and I'll pitch in.
X2. I'm also willing to contribute.
If you need financial help with vet bills and have a Pay Pal account, let me know, and I'll pitch in.
Hey guys.....thanks for the offers with the cash, it's really nice, but I'm fine. Regarding any comments about me being a good guy.....I'm probably not. I didn't do anything that anyone of you would not have done. I had no choice.....
We started the day with a walk to the canal and the dogs had a swim. We didn't notice the sign.....
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Since Mex was showing steady improvement, I decided that I needed to get out to a Starbucks and hang out a little. As I walking to the Starbucks this guy, standing on the corner asking for donations for some religious thing, was overwhelmed with Mex's injuries and asked if he could pray for her. He put his hands on her and prayed to God, Jesus, and probably every saint that exists. He was overwhelmed and 5 minutes later I was having my coffee.....
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As we were leaving a guy pulls up and sees Mex. He jumps out, introduces himself, and proceeded to ask a million questions. Turns out he owns several dog grooming salons, a restaurant, a shopping center.....honestly I forget what else he owned. He's a huge traveler and invited me to his restaurant. At that point it was maps out. This guy was once a Mexican policeman and he gave me the low down on traveling in Mexico. Great guy and a couple of fun hours we had.....
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As I was taking his photo, he said no.....like this.....
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The dogs are really cautious about Mex. I think Yukon would vote no, she has to go. Montana seems to be indifferent, more like just another one of Jerry's ideas. As for me, I have some thoughts as well.....
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As you can see, her eye has greatly improved. It's probably my biggest concern at the moment.
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I think I've figured out what may have happened to her. There's lots of tar on her fur. The vet said that it was possible acid burns. So my guess is that hot tar was poured on her. I also think she was dragged because her paws are raw. She has numerous lacerations below her fur which aren't visible in a picture but I'm guessing that someone sliced her up pretty good. And then there's the whole skull issue. So ugly.....
Bigskypylot.....I won't be needing an financial assistance but thank you. I just tighten my budget a little here and there. For instance, rather than watch the Super Bowl at a restaurant (I actually didn't know that yesterday was Sunday and it was the Super Bowl until I overheard people talking about it), I watched part of the game at the mall outside of a restaurant and then I watched the overtime at a Walmart.....
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Rather than stay at the RV resort for another night (I stayed Saturday night cause I needed that place again), I saved probably $50 between the two of them. It's no big deal either way really. That's just how I live. Regarding her next vet visit, she needs to go in next Monday for a look and then on 02/21 for a shot(s). Thanks again.....
Mex is steadily improving. It's been amazing to see people's reactions to her wounds. So many people see her and just start crying. Serious. Anyhow, she's just started acting like a puppy should, which basically means she's becoming a pain in the ***. But I'm loving her.....can't say that Yukon and Montana have the same feelings. This is how we travel now.....
2 dogs in the front seat.....
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1 one dog in the back seat.....
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So I was doing some research on taking firewood across the Mexican border when I stumbled onto some links about taking dogs. It turns out that a dog must be at least 4 months old to come into the U.S. They have to have a rabies vaccination which they can't get until they're 3 months old, and then they have to wait for 30 days, so it's 4 months. In addition, if a customs agent deems the dog unhealthy, he can refuse admittance. What will Mex look like in 10 weeks ? Do I really want to spend 10 weeks in Mexico ? There's no turning back once I cross the border. So, what to do ? For now, I'm hanging out thinking that my options kind of suck.....
Just saw this great looking rig parked next to me. I sure wish I could justify getting one of these. But then I wonder how would I ever load 3 dogs in there....
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Mex is steadily improving. It's been amazing to see people's reactions to her wounds. So many people see her and just start crying. Serious. Anyhow, she's just started acting like a puppy should, which basically means she's becoming a pain in the ***. But I'm loving her.....can't say that Yukon and Montana have the same feelings. This is how we travel now.....
So I was doing some research on taking firewood across the Mexican border when I stumbled onto some links about taking dogs. It turns out that a dog must be at least 4 months old to come into the U.S. They have to have a rabies vaccination which they can't get until they're 3 months old, and then they have to wait for 30 days, so it's 4 months. In addition, if a customs agent deems the dog unhealthy, he can refuse admittance. What will Mex look like in 10 weeks ? Do I really want to spend 10 weeks in Mexico ? There's no turning back once I cross the border. So, what to do ? For now, I'm hanging out thinking that my options kind of suck.....
Yes Park.....that's exactly the concern. From the people I'm talking to locally and from what I read on the internet, it's a crap shoot. It just depends on the customs agent that's manning the booth when you attempt to cross. So it comes down to how much you're willing to gamble I guess. I'm still undecided.....
Thanks for everyone's responses and welcome back to my thread.....
Everyday Mex is better than the day before. She has an amazing appetite for such a small dog and is able to walk up to maybe 5 minute intervals. I decided that it was in her best interest to stay in El Centro and have her see the same vet. I just couldn't see how another vet could judge her progress. She will see the vet this afternoon or Monday morning, not sure yet.....
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So what do you do in El Centro and where do you stay (cheaply) ? Mostly we're in a Walmart parking lot but one night it was back to the RV resort for the hot tub and showers. As far as staying busy, I've been working on the Jeep and the camper. The Jeep muffler broke so that was welded.....
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One of the gas (actually diesel) can holders broke so that was welded as well. If you're curious why I have 3 cans, it's because my truck only has a 25 gallon tank. As you might imagine I can go through that fairly quick. While I've not had to use them much (once on my trip to Labrador & New Foundland in 2010, once in Alaska in 2008, and actually once in Quebec in 2016), they're great insurance. They will be filled if I make it to Mexico.....
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I also had all the shocks replaced on the Jeep. I'm not not sure how long they've been on there but it's somewhere between 15 & 20 years I'd guess. What a difference.....
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We did some walking in old town El Centro. It's like stepping back in time.....
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I kept thinking about that motorhome that had removed all it's decals back in Quartzite. I finally decided to remove the remainder of mine. I haven't decided on the future of the world decals. They may go as well.....
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And that's about all I've got for this week.....