Unkamonkey.....it's been a huge learning curve but I'd say I'm 90 % there after a week of living in it. I'm guessing it'll be 6 months before I'm 100 % there.....
Ace.....I can say that Tanner loves it at IWS (Idaho Wrecker Sales). Both the service and sales departments are dog friendly and the dogs have pretty much had the run of the place. We started calling Tanner Little JD after one of the mechanics that he's bonded with. Yukon loves browsing the building during their lunch breaks. Their facility is located on the outskirts of town so they've got tons of open space to explore. Heck, they'll probably miss this place (I know I will).....
JD.....nope.....mine does not have the inlaid lighting on the countertop and I'm happy about that actually. I like to think of my rig as being built tough without all the glitz that you see in so many motor homes. It's actually rather plain on the inside but it's incredibly well built.....
CSG.....yep, they are fairly pricey but you really get a lot of product for your money with Renegade. Over the years I've spent many hours looking at motor homes and for me, these stand out. Regarding price, it cost way less than the homes I'm typically buying and hopefully it will suffice as my full time home. I know I'm saving well over $1,000 per month in property taxes, insurance, upkeep, etc. I would imagine that'll now be spent on diesel fuel as I wander around. Time will tell if I made a good decision.....
So the new tow hooks and the relocation of the fog lights came out quite nice. I hope to take the rig into a few places that I shouldn't, so hooks were mandatory.....
Yesterday they installed the Air Force One braking system on the Renegade and Jeep. It was pretty cool to be able to walk underneath the Renegade and check it out. What a beast !!!!!
I started to have some issues with the Jeep running at a high RPM. JD (IWS mechanic) came over to have a look.....
He diagnosed the problem in less than one minute. In the first picture is the mouse nest.....
I was storing my dog food in the Jeep and had noticed that something had eaten through the bottom of the bags. I had no idea that said something was actually living in the Jeep. The next picture shows where the mouse was storing food for the upcoming winter in the air filter compartment. He had no idea we were headed south.....
Jay (IWS detailer) is on his 4th day on my old rig getting it ready for sales. Damn I'm going to miss that truck after 13 plus years but good riddance to the camper (I hate you !)....
Last night IWS hooked me up with a free night in an RV resort. I spent the evening in a hot tub and finished the evening watching cable TV ! What's happening to me !?!