Revelstoke was a friendly little community and I had the good fortunes to spend some time talking with a few of the local townsfolk.....I liked Revelstoke quite a bit.....
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I decided to stay for the night so we had plenty of time to visit the little shops and chat with whoever had a bit of spare time.....
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Walking trails criss crossed the town and we walked as many as we could. Just outside of town we came across this one lane bridge.....
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Bridges crossed what would now seem like the never ending Columbia River.....
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And it's here at Revelstoke that the big mountains begin.....
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And this would be our last encounter with the north / south flowing Columbia River as here we turned east and began our trip into the lands of the national parks of Canada.....
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It had rained all that night and well into the morning.....the roads were still wet when we left Revelstoke and the clouds laid low along the highway.....
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The highway first passes along the southern boundary of Mt. Revelstoke National Park and then continues east and runs through Glacier National Park of Canada. Now it was time to make a stop and purchase our national parks pass.....and get on with some exploration. I bought an annual pass, good until October, 2020.....we have no idea how long we are here.....nor exactly where we are going.....
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