tgil.....thanks so's wonderful to have you following along.....
vintageracer.....I miss the cabin daily.....I'm thinking of going well as thinking of not going home.....
mekcanix.....yep the travels are good but there's always the struggle.....the love of the mountain summits & the simple wildness of the wilderness.....then there's the easy life living in a small cabin in
Montana.....always the struggle.....
Ace.....Tanner is just a natural for the summit shots. I swear he poses as soon as we make the summit. Trapper could care less. Sorry about the health issues.....'s always my pleasure to share. Your post is a great lead in..... because my journey actually started decades ago.....but only a decade ago here on XP. On Xmas day I was once again daydreaming & watching
Alone In The Wilderness.....the life of
Richard Proenneke.....and it hit me that I actually lived & worked right where this guy lived as he lived at
Twin Lakes and I lived & worked out of
Illiamna Lake. A Google search told me that we lived 71 miles odd that after all these decades that I would finally realize that we were darn near neighbors.....
So I thought it might be interesting to share more of my pictures.....nearly 40 of my photos.....of
My Journey when it was near it's beginning.....some of these pictures I've posted before.....many of them I have not. So once again I revisit a trip to
Alaska.....a long, long time ago.....I hope you enjoy.....
Here's my Jeep that took me north.....I had worked for 6 months saving enough cash to make the drive to
Alaska from the
Pacific Northwest.....prior to that I had worked in
Wyoming to save enough cash to make it to the
Pacific Northwest.....
Driving the
Al-Can Highway.....I believe these pictures were taken in
British Columbia.....also could be the
Yukon Territory.....
Me with my home on wheels.....
One of the knuckleheads that I traveled with posing at
The Mighty Fraser signpost along the highway.....
Living at a friends' cabin in
Those were the days my we're towing my friend's motorhome out to a paved highway during a spring thaw.....miles & miles of towing.....but then.....those really were the days.....