My Journey

And those sunsets from the base of the Dragoon Mountains were often outstanding.....


It was also the full moon stage which of course was sensational.....just wandering around at night observing the campfires of the climbers and stopping in to hear their stories of their achievements and challenges on the wall was so fulfilling for me.....


Occasionally I would relax in the truck cab after one of our climbs since the seats in the truck cab are so comfortable. On the second day, while chilling after our climb, this tiny bird came to visit me.....


It turned out that he (I assumed that he was male due to the bright colors) was attracted to the chrome on my side mirror and he loved to see himself. He was there all the time during that week stay.....I would actually go visit with him when I was a little bored. What a great distraction he was.....once again the birds come into my life.....


Yep.....I already miss this place.....a lot.....

It seems fitting here to say that I had saved the best for last.....cause we headed for home after leaving here.....

We backtracked to Benson, Arizona to load up with groceries and to fill the water bottles. We had extinguished just about every staple that we require. From there we drove east.....along Interstate 10. We made a stop along an exit to stretch the legs and fortunately a shop owner had posted a sign at the bottom of the exit ramp.....


I wasn't particularly enjoying my drive along Interstate 10 (how could you after a week of exploring in the mountains ?), so I decided to check out the Lozen Art Gallery, as well as a town with an inviting name.....Dragoon.....


There wasn't much to see here, if anything.....and the road wasn't so compatible for the walker, especially one with two big dogs.....but we somehow managed to walk through this town.....fortunately traffic here was minimal.....


I, of course thought to return to the backtrack.....the way we had come. It was only three miles back to the interstates' exit ramp. Instead we continued along that road that passed through Dragoon, Arizona simply to see what we could see.....


We passed through miles and miles.....literally.....of orchards. I think maybe that they were pecan trees. One can't help but wonder where all the water for the massive irrigation systems comes from. This was once dry, barren desert land.....


As we drove east I spotted a gigantic plume of whitish brown smoke coming up from the fields. This turned out to be the Apache Generating Station.....


A quick look at Google Maps showed me that we were near yet another small town. With the knee aching, I was no longer looking for mountains to preference at that time was asphalt and concrete.....preferably flat.....


I parked the truck at the post office in Cochise, Arizona and once again we walked through a small desert town. This place was a bit larger.....a bit more interesting.....


Sadly, we eventually had to return to Interstate 10.....and we continued to drive east. We were now headed for a desert hot the a small campground where I could relax, soak, and heal.....



That little bird is a Ruby-crowned Kinglet.

There are two neat camping areas and one national historic site in that neck of the woods that I recommend:

Indian Bread Rocks - BLM -
32.257530, -109.46675

Cochise Stronghold - Coronado Natl Forest - two areas, official campground loop is a little tight - great hiking into mountains or just along the scenic dirt road in
31.928749, -109.964569

Fort Bowie National Historic Site - "For nearly 25 years, Fort Bowie stood at the crossroads of the Chiricahua Apache's fight to defend their ancestral homeland and the U.S. Army's westward expansion. Today, visitors embark on a 3-mile scenic loop trail traversing the ground where this profound cultural collision forever altered the course of both American and Indigenous history."
32.145832, -109.436363
Ace.....I did and I'm so happy with my decision.....

thedavidzoo.....I've never given much thought to visiting Fort Bowie always thinking that it was more than likely something for kids to enjoy. I met a couple at the hot springs that raved about that place. It sounded interesting to me at that time. I wasn't willing to backtrack (drive down miles of washboard road) to see it on this trip but now I'm really thinking that I need to check it out one day. Thanks.....also thanks for naming that beautiful bird.....

Arjan.....the road home was long and we certainly didn't drive it in one day so I've got plenty more to journal about.....thanks for following along and always posting kind comments.....

Well, the day had somehow gotten away from me.....with all of those unplanned we never made it to the hot springs.....that day. The good news was that we were close to Wilcox, Arizona which is that small town that is located along the interstate where the Sandhill Cranes rest up as they journey north.....


So that's where we ended up spending the night.....


I'm sure that some of you that have been following this thread for awhile can remember that it was almost exactly one year ago that we overnighted here (page 343).....


If you're new to this thread, I'd suggest going back and have a look at page 343.....the Sandhill Cranes & the sky put on quite a show.....


Anyhow, I for one expected to see pretty much the same thing this year as I did last year.....that was not to be the case.....


Last year.....just as the sun was setting, the birds took off in mass and flew was incredible.....thousands of birds..... majical I think I called it.....


So this year, there I in hand.....prepared to see a similar show. And it didn't happen. As the sun set the birds showed the same behavior as last year..... they almost seem to get agitated and then they take flight and of course I thought that this is it.....the show.....

And then this mass of birds take flight.....some fly to the west.....and some fly to the north.....


And then it was so odd (to me).....they all turned around.....just one initially.....


.....which was followed by another.....


.....and then they all began to return to the lake.....I was so puzzled by this alternate behavior.....


And just like that they all settled back down in the lake for another night's rest.....


The following morning I was back out there with camera and mug of coffee in hand.....admiring the Sandhill Cranes and the beautiful mountains beyond.....


And at almost exactly 8 a.m. (I looked at my watch).....a few took to the skies again.....some went north.....some went west.....


And then the Sandhill Cranes were gone.....and we weren't far behind.....

Ace.....nope nothing like that at all. It just seems to be what they do. It's interesting to watch Sandhill Cranes prior to take off. As I said before, they seem to get real agitated.....almost working themselves into a frenzy before finally taking off in large flock after another. At least that's what I've seen twice now.....

The next three nights were spent at or near the Hot Well Dunes.....the plan was to soak here in their hot springs pools.....and no plans to go four wheeling or climbing. I was needing that soaking pretty darn bad by the time we had arrived as it was going on nearly two weeks since I'd showered.....


We drove along miles of washboard roads and through miles and miles of newly planted orchards.....and again, I believe these to be the same trees that we saw previously.....pecan trees.....


Unfortunately we arrived on a weekend and this place was crazy crawling with ATVs and dirt bikes, and toy haulers and motorhomes had completely overwhelmed the place. I got in one quick soak and then we hit the road. We drove north about 4 miles.....just far enough not to hear or see the madness. Our spot in the desert.....well, nobody was was so peaceful.....


I just couldn't get myself to return to those hot springs (at that time) so we just hiked around the desert instead just killing time.....


Going directly home still wasn't an option.....a neighbor sent me a picture of my place while we were camped there.....and that right there stopped me in my tracks.....


One of the many walks that we took while camped there took us back to an old, abandoned ranch site that we'd visited years before (page 167).....


Nothing much at all had changed here.....still had that certain beauty about itself.....


Last time we visited here I photographed an owl in this very tree.....this year it was a black raven that showed no fear.....

Beyond the trees and the fencing was a vintage windmill.....I've developed such a wonderful love affair with these things that seem to still be such a common sight in the American west.....there was no wind on this day so unfortunately I wasn't able to hear that creaking sound of the unoiled gears that turned the blades in the desert winds.....


Our campsite was relatively close to an asphalt road that was covered in endless potholes.....much like the pecan trees that we passed, those potholes went on for miles and was the backroad way that connected Bowie, Arizona to Safford, Arizona.....and that road also passed by and provided access to the hot springs.....


We spent two nights at that desert spot and saw little traffic until Sunday afternoon.....then the mob of people that I spoke of earlier left for was a near constant stream of RVs pulling trailers with ATVs.....this went on for several hours.....then it was calm.....


The evening skies here were like serene paintings.....


.....painted with slow, smooth brush strokes.....


The evening & night walks into the desert helped to calm the mind that needed no calming.....a few coyotes was nothing less than true bliss.....


That afternoon.....after it seemed as if most everyone had left the hot springs, we jumped into the Jeep & drove over there, but the reason for this was not to soak. I had been looking around on my maps for something to climb and I found this one mountain to the northeast of the hot springs.....Javelina Peak (5,555').....that I thought that we might try to climb. I happened to meet up with a ranger on the way there and he said "you won't have any trouble in that Jeep. Two wheel drive can get you close to the start of your climb. Just make sure to stay to the left when you come to the "Y" in the road". Well, the problem was that the road went through the sand dunes and there were "Y's" in that road just about everywhere that we looked.....


Ironic it was that I was so happy that everyone had left until we found ourselves stuck in the sand dunes (unfortunately & obviously I took the wrong "Y" in the road). Fortunately for us a Mexican dude happened by and he hooked me up with a free tow.....


At this point I'd decided that it wasn't worth the risk to attempt this again (too many "Y's" for me), so I bagged the climbing idea and we headed back to our campsite where I came up with a new idea. Since we'd now seen with our own eyes that the campground was nearly empty, I hooked up the Jeep to the truck and we moved over to the campground. Once it got dark I decided that I'd finally go for that soak that I couldn't help but dream about. I kid you I backed out of our campsite in the Jeep, it immediately sunk into the soft sand.....


So.....those Maxtrax Recovery Boards that I bought just for their cool looks.....they actually finally got a good workout. And one thing that I can say for sure, they work great ! I may go for a second set now.....


Well, we never did climb that mountain and I never got another soak.....we were gone the following morning.....I'd had enough of this soft sand place.....

The next day.....well, not such a good day again. But this time it wasn't me that had to deal with turmoil in their life.....


This woman had passed me driving down that road that I had mentioned earlier that was full of potholes. Now in her defense, I was driving so slooooow and that's why she passed me. She wasn't speeding. Anyhow, she swerved to miss a pothole and lost control.....I came across her 5 minutes later.....

Her mother came and picked her up as she was of course pretty shaken up. I stayed with her vehicle to make sure that nobody stole her stuff. Two hours I waited and then her husband & a friend showed up.....


I lent them my tow strap and they had one as well.....we hooked up his truck and successfully turned the vehicle over.....


In the next picture, I'm not too sure what's going on. As soon as we flipped it over, they both got on their phones.....


And finally.....after a good three hours..... it was time for me to get back on the road.....


Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
I got stuck on a beach in Baja several years back. It was very soft blow sand that would barely hold up a man. Nothing to winch to and i was towing s small offroad trailer. I had to dig a couple of bushels of sand around each tire. Then placed my four Maxtrax and carefully and easily backed right out. If i only had two traction boards it would have been way more difficult, maybe even impossible. So yeh, I always carry four and a full size shovel.

I was carrying a Pulpal too but knew it would not hold in that very soft sand….and I could only back out.

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