My Junk

(I want to reinforce that I've never said this to a man before...)

Hey Kowboy, glad to see your Junk is doing fine :) Had been following along for a while on the build out of your Turd, quite a little project there. Always enjoy watching a build where there's no fear about getting what you want, no matter the pesos.


Thank you sir. Really lookin' forward to gettin' the truck and camper back on the road. The jeep will be done by the end of the month. The build sure 'nough got way outta hand ... but like ya say ... I got what I wanted in the end. The only part left stock is the front grille.

Then puttin' the truck in the same outstandin' shop for a bit of a refresher. Some new lightin' so can actu'ly see at night. Bushwacker cutout flares so can run the 40's without raisin' 'er up no more. Somethin's wrong with the onboard air system that controls the ARB's and the rear bags. Motors for the power windows are gettin' pretty weak so gonna replace 'em. Not bad tho for a 17 year old truck.

Camper's gonna need new bat'ries and a good goin' thru for system checks. When I put 'er in the lil' barn, I sealed up all the various exterior holes with aluminum foil and painters tape to keep the critters out. Looked inside 'er last weekend when I was home and all looked good. We'll see. Truck and camper are too tall to fit in the lil' barn so I had bought an ol' trailer made from the back half of a 1962 Dodge truck to put the camper on and back 'er inside.

Come springtime, gonna have to wait for a day with calm winds to put 'er back on the truck. And calm winds are a rare thang in Wyomin'. Camper's gotta go WAY up in the air to go on the back of my truck. Havin' some custom brackets made to extend the jacks out and down for better clearance. Should be interestin'.

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