Here is the thread I started before seeing yours. link. If you have time and see anything you can add/answer I would appreciate it.
I emailed govplanet about seeing the trailer in person and they said we could arrange a "hands off inspection" so I could see it but not touch it. I haven't actually seen one of these in person but I get they are big. I am worried it will be a big load to tow and cumbersome/slow. I want to built a full camping trailer like the turtleback or other brands.
Sorry I've been away. I haven't gotten any reply notifications from expedportal, and just now checked in.
The M1101/M1102 trailers are big in size, but in no way hard to haul or heavy. Since most of the trailer is Aluminum, with the exception of the Chasis (Chromoly Steel), it is very light. The stock weight is just under 1,460 lbs, which includes the giant military wheels/tires that weigh 250 lbs each. I wanted to use the Military tires with solid run flat inserts, but if you absolutely need to save weight, you can save at least 200 lbs by switching to standard wheels and tires... It just won't look as scary and bad *****.
The real issue for most is ride height. Changing to smaller wheels/tires will drop the trailer some, but you will still need vehicle with high ride hight, and a hist with a decent vertical lift.