congrats! nice to see more black 100 series.
Great to see you find exactly what you were looking for...well, almost. I'll be tracking your progress along w/ the others. I also am going the OME route, I just got a quote from Wil at SE for a full suspension upgrade that will happen in the Spring.
Again, congratulations!
Looks good.
The black will show the battle scars a little more.:sombrero:
congrats! nice to see more black 100 series.
Thanks! There are not many black ones out there and even fewer of the black that are out there are used for anything other than grocery getting. So I am hoping it turns out unique when I am done with it.
Black is damn hard to keep clean but fortunately for us, they still look good dirty. I'll have to keep on eye your buildup so as to not bite off your look.
Good luck!
You can probably get enough cash out of those wheels for some real ones and some decent tires. Have fun with the build!
nice find, glad your losing the rims:sombrero:
(100 - bling) + mud = 1 Happy Cruiser :sombrero:
This shot is great! Glad to see you out using it for what it was intended for!
Great looking 100, it's good to see a truck go from street queen to trail rig, I like that much better then the other way round ehDid you hae to lift it, Or had the PO left the suspension alone???
dang brotha! I know it ain't that close but you got some balls without sliders. Any thoughts on who you're goin with for sliders? Custom?
The LC looks good without the bling bling rims and a little red mud.
Good to see the hundy de-gangstafied and back out in its natural environment. Glad to see back out there, Laurence. Keep us posted on the progress.