My New Conqueror Conquest


Well the day is finaly here. Im pulling out tommorow morning 5:00 am for the long drive north to pick up my new Conquest. :wings:

Its the one with the tent up

Now I just have to fugure out how to overcome the excitement and get to sleep.....
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4 play

good luck with the sleep. If your like me it will be a month before you get over it. Just like a little kid with a new toy :wings:


There is actually a Canadian company called Mokolodi Imports that told me they have the license to import Conqueror trailers into Canada. He is out of Nova Scotia but has been very slow to get up and running, almost like he's not too interested in the trailer thing any more. The trailers that he does have belong to him, his daughter, and his brother. He has a few on the east coast, one in Calgary with his daughter, and there were two in Vancouver, a Compact and a Conquest. WMac bought the Conquest from Vanvouver and it looks like the brother is keeping the Compact for himself.

This is all very wierd because when I contacted Mega about my Base Camp they said they were looking for business oportunities in Canada. Why would they say that if they have a licensed importer here already. A contract is a contract.

Congrats on the Conquest. If I had known about these before I bought my Base Camp I would have driven to Vancouver and bought the Conquest. I like the easy open tent much better though my Base Camp has yet to have its maiden voyage. Maybe this May Long.

Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
Hey, Andy:

WMAC's trailer is one of the ones you speak of that was in the hands of one of the potential importers relatives.
The guy had some issue with not being able to obtain government assistance with the start up costs or got timid with the economic climate, either way ... he is not going to do the imports.

And WMAC got one heck of a deal on his trailer.



Dendy, maybe I should approach Mega about being the sole North American importer. There seems to be enough interest on this board alone to make it work. Just need to wait for the CDN $ to improve.

In reality I think it would be worth the research. With the US dollar always holding strong against the canadian buck I would have access to over 270 million potential customers. The economy can only improve and here in Alberta people are still buying Bentlys, Lambos, and Spykers.


Expedition Leader
Ok, I've heard bits and pieces of this story, but thought that was a picture inside Dean's warehouse. From what I heard, I assumed the Canadian importer was getting cold feet. I considered importing them myself for about 5 seconds... then considered Dean's experience with them and... meh.


lost on the mainland
looks good :)

you have the nicer newer type gas can holders also :)

my conquest has the older style and I ripped a hole in one of my miitary gas cans :( since I cant get them easy I was bummed

a piece of road debris hit it so the solid ones like you have are going to be nicer

cant wait to get more detailed pics

Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member

The thought crossed my mind as well, ... but so you understand the situation, ... Dean sat on these trailers since 2002. They were priced at around $9,000 (Compact) to $12,000 (Base Camp). They didn't do much promotion and did not start generating much interest until last June when I started posting about them on the Expo after I took delivery of mine.

Still they didn't move many and he had dropped the price at that point to $7,500 (A steal compared to prices of other trailers).

It wasn't until he decided that he needed out of the business and dropped the prices to around $5000.00 that they started flying off the shelf. It took less than 6 weeks to liquidate them.

Granted these don't have the uber cool suspension of an Adventure Trailer, but I wouldn't hesitate to stack them up- performance-wise - against one of them, and feature to feature wise ... there are a lot of things in the design that I like much better about the Conqueror.

That said, ... (and I have done the research), ... the landed COST of getting a Compact into North America right now (dollar vs. rand) is about $17,000.00
I think you would be sitting on trailers much longer than Dean if you went down that path. I think you would have a difficult time just getting Cost out of a unit (and if you tried to make 10% (not much return on investment) you would be at $18700.00.
I just don't see it being viable.

Just my two cents.


ps: the picture above is of a Canadian outdoor show (held indoors in a warehouse). The picture does resemble the inside of Dean's warehouse, but indeed it is not. The unit show on the left is the actual Conquest that WMac is getting.


Expedition Leader
I'm still upset that I missed out on the deals. :( 3 months later, I'm still working on mine. Well, it's 9AM on a Saturday, out to the garage I go... :violent-smiley-031:

Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
I believe that the guy that WMAC is purchasing from is the brother of the guy in Nova Scotia that was going to be doing the importing. I believe if I remember correctly, he was going to be selling the two compacts he had in Nova Scotia as well.
You might still be able to get a deal.

The cool thing about these three trailers (to include WMAC's unit) is that they were fully loaded (i.e.: Fridge, generator, first aid kit, included)

If you are still interested, I can e-mail the guy that sold WMAC his unit and ask him to check with his brother.



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The thought crossed my mind as well, ... but so you understand the situation, ... Dean sat on these trailers since 2002. They were priced at around $9,000 (Compact) to $12,000 (Base Camp). They didn't do much promotion and did not start generating much interest until last June when I started posting about them on the Expo after I took delivery of mine.

Still they didn't move many and he had dropped the price at that point to $7,500 (A steal compared to prices of other trailers).

It wasn't until he decided that he needed out of the business and dropped the prices to around $5000.00 that they started flying off the shelf. It took less than 6 weeks to liquidate them.

Granted these don't have the uber cool suspension of an Adventure Trailer, but I wouldn't hesitate to stack them up- performance-wise - against one of them, and feature to feature wise ... there are a lot of things in the design that I like much better about the Conqueror.

That said, ... (and I have done the research), ... the landed COST of getting a Compact into North America right now (dollar vs. rand) is about $17,000.00
I think you would be sitting on trailers much longer than Dean if you went down that path. I think you would have a difficult time just getting Cost out of a unit (and if you tried to make 10% (not much return on investment) you would be at $18700.00.
I just don't see it being viable.

Just my two cents.


ps: the picture above is of a Canadian outdoor show (held indoors in a warehouse). The picture does resemble the inside of Dean's warehouse, but indeed it is not. The unit show on the left is the actual Conquest that WMac is getting.


I have to congratulate you on your forethought.

In the time we have been in business many trailer companies have come and gone.

Most of the importers didn't do their market research and over estimated the US market. They were left making huge investments and either breaking even or losing money.

We imported trailers for a few years, when we first started in business, the model isn't one I would want to do again.

Half your money goes upfront as a deposit, the balance when they ship, usually 6-8 weeks later.

Shipping takes 6 weeks port to port and you usually laid your hands on the product 9 weeks after shipping. So now you are around 2.5 months out.

South Africa is one of the most expensive places to ship out of, and about 5% of the product is damaged in shipping.

At this point your ready to sell the trailers and recoup on your investment.

Swings in foreign exchange rates can make the difference between making a profit and not.

Besides the logistics and investment side, you have regulatory issues to deal with from Customs, to DOT, to NHSHA, to individual State regulations.

We got out of the import business at the first opportunity.

Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
Hey, Martyn:

Thanks for the acknowledgment. I have to also point out that in no way was I knocking the Adventure Trailer ... rather was pointing out that for what the Conquerors are and for the low money that they were being offered for, I had to go that direction.
I have always encouraged folks to make sure they check out Adventure Trailers before they consider another trailer, ... or even building one themselves.
For me, I had started a extremely nice military conversion. I was lucky enough to find someone that appreciated what I had done to it and at least got my money back out if it. I had not even installed Propane, Electric Brakes, New Suspension, drawer or lid, or tent ... and was sitting at $4500 for the trailer, Rhino Lining, Lights, Rims, Tires, Aluminum Hub Adapters.
To pick up the Conqueror complete for $7500 was just too good a deal as I had already determined that by the time I got the military to where I wanted it to be, I would be over $10K into it.

What I like about what you guys do, is that it is US built. I also really think your participation here and the customer service you offer, makes your trailers a steal. (don't think that I haven't admired that used one in tan!)

I think too many folks think that between Canada and the US that they could move 25 to 50 trailers a year, ... but the demand is simply to specialized or specific. Most folks in the US (the mass populus) would be looking for a Coleman pop up or the like.

In other words, I think that you have such a head start on the market, that it would be fairly futile to try to compete.

So, all that to say ... gotcha!
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