My New Truck Camper


Actually, the whole rain gutter and spout. The rain gutters are bigger than the extruded aluminum trim gutters I've seen. I assumed the spouts were removable, clip ons, odd they don't make them that way. They stick out like a hook, sure to catch something then rip.

You might get tired of the rain water coming down where you don't want it to, I do. It gets annoying to say the least when you have to get into the cab of the truck or whatever and there is a waterfall landing on your shoulder, noggin, inside the truck.

Could adapt a whole down spout, take it to the ground. Now that's stylin'.


Some sort of lost...
Well I still haven't had a chance to go anywhere, but it is just finally warming up. I'm saving my money to either move back to Oregon if I get a new job, or take a trip to the Outer Banks in May...

I've slept a couple of nights in it to test everything out. Quite a bit of insulation has been added in many spots, mostly 1" (R-5) extruded polystyrene and reflectix. Each window has a reflectix cover that is taped around the edges and slides in behind the shades, covering the window frame. I still have more insulation to add but I'm busy with other things. I moved the gray water drain in board (it was on top of the bed rail), so the sink now drains into a portable 7 gallon container that fits behind the wheel well. I trimmed the rain gutter spouts too.

Anyway I needed to move the camper out of the back yard this weekend to work back there, so I grabbed a few more pictures.


I would like to remove and rotate the jack mounts to move the jacks in toward the truck a few inches eventually...




The sink just a drain, there is no gray water tank from the factory. A lot of people carry a bucket or something and run a hose to it. I found a 7 gallon water container that fits perfectly behind the wheel well. I moved the water drain inboard so that it is inside the bed rail, and it runs straight into the container.
You can also see the access door behind the container that allows me to reach the empty space between the camper and the bedsides.

Lots of room down this side, but no access door. I'm still trying to decide how to make effective use of the space here. I could easily stuff firewood in the area behind the wheel well, and could possible mount a small air tank to help make it easier to adjust the air bags. I only run 30-40psi in them but it would be nice to make easier adjustments without getting out my compressor.

Actually I was planning on someone building some centering guides that would sit between the edge of the bed (rear) and the camper to keep it centered, but now I'm pondering the idea of building a locking door to cover the back of the area to keep things secure in there. That would be a really easy place to mount a snowboard in the future!


Nice setup. I like that the front nose is angled in line with your windshield so it looks like a good fit. It sounds like you have that truck setup well for hauling it too. Enjoy.


Oil eater.
Great setup!

Nice camper and truck! Gotta love those 4.56 gears with the camper. One advantage of the Happijac framemount setup is front centering guides and optional rears. Both require drilling though.


New member
lots a grunt!!!!

you have a lot of truck for such a light weight camper! nice lookin rig i have the same in black and i have 31 inch bf's on it. i have a palomino m8801 which is a little heavier than yours and i have no problem haulin ***!!!!:wings:


Very Nice setup! I like the way it looks on your truck! Great Combo. :sombrero: I too am thinking about mounting some sort of rail system to keep it centered. When I am on the dirt and bumping around off camber it shifts slightly sometimes. I think I might actually build something to mount to the underside of my "shim boxes" to keep it centered utilizing the bed rails.....

Interested to see what you come up with. :coffee:


Some sort of lost...
I didn't want a long bed with this truck. The original plan was a fourwheel hawk and I wanted a short wheelbase off road. I don't need any more room for what I'm doing anyway, and so far stability isn't any problem whatsoever. Not to say it wouldnt be improved with a 6.5 bed... If I wanted a bigger camper I would go with a 6.5 bed but I doubt I'll ever want an 8' bed unless I make a lot of kids and need more room. lol

I'm still not sure what I'll do for centering guides. The camper has 2x3" lumber bolted to the bottom and they fall right into the ridges on the bed surface. With that and the rubber mat it doesn't seem to be an issue as long as I load it right. But I do still want something to block off the rear portion so I can store a couple of items beside the camper.


I like your setup. I just picked up an old camper for my truck so they are a new interest for me. My neighbour just gave me an old camperette for parts and it has these hinged doors that attach to the side of the camper at the back that would serve the purpose you've described. Basically, you can slide items into the box on either side of the camper and then close and latch the "doors" and they prevent the items from sliding out. They also clean up the rear appearance as well. Would be very easy to fabricate if you're so inclined.


Love the Fastguns!!

I have an identical set for my Arctic Fox camper.

Nice camper too, I like that it has two vent fans. That's unusual even for big campers like mine.


Some sort of lost...
I ordered it with two vent fans. It normally ships with just one vent, and it is the base model fantastic with white cover and white fan. Having two of them with smoked dome lids really makes it feel more open and light though.

I've insulated most everything that I intend to for now. I would like to replace the hard PVC water lines with flexible vinyl or something. The water lines lay on the outside edge of the "wings" which are non-insulated, so they would take nothing to freeze. I want to route them higher in the cabinets, and more toward the center of the camper. For now I've lifted them off of the surface and slide insulation underneath them. There is insulation around/under the water tank, water pump, battery, under the couch, under the bed, under/over/beside the fridge. 3/4" or 1/2" extruded polystyrene depending on what fit, in combination with reflectix in some locations. I also have reflectix insulation cutout for each window that covers the entire frame, and for the roof vents. The curtain for the rear door is a "thermal" curtain.

That is about all I've done so far. I'm starting a new job and moving back to Oregon soon (can not wait to get back home!), and I've been hiring my replacement, training him, studying for tests for the new job, packing, planning, etc. Not much time for camper projects for the next month or so.


Some sort of lost...
Where is the bathroom?

Right outside the door!

There is actually a dometic portable toilet in the cabinet under the couch. There is also an outside shower. No need for a big bathroom and holding tanks for what I'm doing.

I actually just got moved back to Oregon and couldn't be happier about it. The drive from Kentucky to Oregon was uneventful aside from a few storms. I pulled my 6x10 enclosed trailer behind the truck and camper and it worked surprisingly well. It got a little tricky in Nebraska with a 40-45mph direct crosswind but it was tolerable at 55mph. Most other "RVs" had stopped. I did get a little water leaking through the window seals during that intense rain and wind, it was minimal but I may have a closer look to see what I can improve.

Through the mountain passes the transmission temp never climbed over 170, and the coolant maxed out at 202. I haven't totaled the receipts but at every fill up it seemed to average 9-10 mpg with the trailer and everything, running at 70mph most of the time.

Unfortunately I've been working nonstop for the last two months with just enough time to move. I'm going back to work for 15 days now and then I get two weeks off to play.

Twins Fan

New member
Your Travel Lite 700

Dear Sir,

I came across your original entry after you bought your Travel Lite 700 recently. What struck me was that our trucks are very similar, mine being the Super Cab version, but everything else the same, i.e., year and color. So my interest was piqued because I am in the early stages of deciding on a camper for the very first time. I have actually been looking at buying the Travel Lite 700.

How has this first year gone for you? Is it something you would recommend to a "newbie?"



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