Camping Trip
So I ended up sneaking in a quick camping trip. It was Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada and I had the monday off.
Woke up Sunday morning after stuffing my face the day before with turkey, ham, mashed taters, stuffing, beans, all the good stuff. My brother and I did a ~7km hike with my dog near my moms house, and then I set off.
Our family owns ~50 Acres of land north of Belleville, just east of a town called Campbellford. My plan was to head there. Set up camp, hike around a bunch, test out the XJ for set up and just enjoy the great out doors.
I headed out from Burlington around 11:30 AM and after a quickstop at a friends place to wish him happy birthday and have a beer. I got to the family land around 3 O'clock. lots of pavement pounding to get there. But when you are on one side of Toronto and need to get to the other side. There is no other real way around it!
Anyway, Once I got to cobourg I got to hop off the 401 and head up 45, through rosneath and dartford. Ending up in campbellford.
I stopped picked up a bag a chips for later that night, and a lighter to start the fire as I was absent minded and forgot my zippo.
10 minutes later I was at the land. And theres a gate blocking our right of way to our land!
Ohh crap, I forgot we were renting out the land to a famer nearby for pasture for his cattle.
Well any how I figured I'd go in and check it out since I came all this way.
So Open the fence:
Remove the live wire:
(and obviously close the gate and re-set the live wire once I am inside)
This parcel of land was used by the county as a gravel and sand pti for sanding the roads in the winter and other general uses:
Luckily all the cattle were not in the field I usually use for camping. Close the gate for the time I am there and they should not bother me.
Just starting to unload, let the dog out to run around and get a drink of water.
First step after letting him out. Build a massive fire and let it burn down to coals to get dinner going.
Dinner was left over, ham mashed taters and beans put in a pie tin and thrown on top of the coals. 8-10 minutes later it was to hot to eat almost!
Cant complain eating a meal like this outside by a fire!
Campsite set up:
Building up the fire and Reading a little OJ:
More to Come later when my Photobucket starts co-operating with my computer.