My next project, E350 Ambulance???


Thanks Slicky72

Ian (Cleanlines) who let me test drive his van last week gave me the heads up as well a few days ago and have been in contact with the seller. I'm pretty sure it's a newer '99 with the upgraded Injectors and fuel system but i haven't seen it yet. We had a good laugh on the phone when we realized he was the one who outbid me on the last auction (he got the ambulance I was trying to get to replace the one he's now selling...)

I'm also trying to decide if I'd be better to wait for a newer (02-03) model with maybe 35k miles less on the clock. On the plus side the '99 for sale has been driven for 3 yrs without issues while the newer auctioned one have unknown history aside from the typical fleet servicing... Once I check the '99 out it won't really matter anyway, if its clean and well cared for I'm sure I'll find it hard to pass!

Can anyone confirm the following? They were talking about the F-Series so might be a bit different for the E-Series (no inter cooler...), just curious...

Here it is:

"late '99-'01 has biggest turbo, downpipe, injectors and better programming (compared to earlier models). '01-'02 uses all the same stuff with better programming but they switched to powdercast connecting rods which are supposed to be a problem but really aren't unless you want to push for over 500 hp. '03 is the highest horsepower and torque with all the same stuff"

Mr. D


I know the turbo is different on the van, besides not having a waste-gate, It has an exhaust pressure relief valve built into the Pedestal. I have heard that the E series turbo spools a little quicker, in particular the ambulance. I have an 03 Ambulance 7.3 in mine and love it! There are a lot of things that are the same on the e series, and they are way easier to work on the backside =) Not 100% sure on the internal differences...... I run a simple DP tuner chip and 4" exhaust and I have all the reliability and power I need.


Thanks Pratty

I believe the time might have come to start a distinct build thread... ;)
I checked it out this morning and was pretty happy with what I saw. The only thing I need to confirm is if this one is in fact a late '99 with the upgraded 7.3 fuel system. It was built in January '99 so sounds like a late model but I couldn't tell just looking at it. Anyone knows?

Anyhow, she's got 200k miles on the nose, absolutely no rust, strong engine and tranny:)

I've also got some work done on the axles, front one got its first coat of Por-15 and the rear one is ready to be painted...
Today was a good day!





Mr. D
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what checks have you done(or not)on the engine/tranny?

and if you don't have to work on mechanical issues? 4k is a nice deal.


I only had 30 min. so very basic checks. Engine oil, tranny oil and coolant all leveled and clean. No by-pass that I could tell. Took it for a quick drive up a pretty steep hill, no funny sounds, good power and shifts good in all gears.

That being said, I've never owned one of these beasts before... Any suggestions are welcomed and I'm hoping to be able to have it checked in a shop before signing on the dotted line. Only issues is buyer/seller on total different schedule :(
Good thing we're not talking about a $40k vehicle!
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Looks like a decent setup! I am not aware of any major changes to the HPOP(high pressure oil pump) from 96-97 all the way to 03. Your oil system runs your you fuel system as well as other things on the Powerstroke. All the answers you need are here: the information on this site has been extremely helpful! As well as give you an Idea on how to take care of, prevent, and cure issues of the 7.3L.

On another note, Great Job on the axle! Are you going to rebuild the transmission with an upgraded torque converter?
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Looks like its gonna work :)

I just figured it's a newer '99 with the Deadhead fuel design. I had to run the engine serial number found on the valve cover (driver side). So I have the electric lift pump, 2 stages injectors, larger turbo, larger intake (the '96-98 had a 2 stage mechanical lift pump and some other differences).

Might not matter for most but since I'll convert it to run on veggie it makes my life easier!

I'll to take it to a shop this week to see how she does. Current owner is pretty good to give me the keys and let me drive it on my own to the shop a good 20 miles away, even though he hasn't received a penny yet! Good karma so far!

As for tranny, I'll drive and maintain it religiously to see how she does. Your good link (Powerstrokehelp) say they can last plenty... Time will tell!

Once it's official I'll start a build thread...

And surprising how these axles cleaned out! One thing I learned on using Por-15 aside from the importance of a good prep:
use Saran wrap between the lid/can when you're done and flip the can upside down. If you don't that thing will seize on you like crazy-glue!

Mr. D


Good news.

Just heard back from the shop, engine and tranny are in very good shape! The only issues they pointed out were all related to brakes and worn out tires which are of no concerns to me since I'll be swapping these parts with UJOR kit. A few electrical gremlins to work on as well (no reverse and clearance lights) and its currently running on a single battery. All good!

Mr. D
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Expedition Leader
Sorry if I am a bit late to the table here but.

Run your fingers around the where the exhaust up-pipes connect to the turbo. If they come back covered in soot there is a good chance it will be losing boost and the up-pipes may need replacing (they score out longways under the gasket and cannot be effectively repaired). They are not cheap but they are easy to replace.

View attachment 148310

Also I don't know if the garage had the gear to do it but there is a number of tests you can run on these vehicles via the ODBC port. But you need either the ford specialist kit or something like the Autoenginuity Autoenginuity Ford Link

These include KOER (key on engine running), KOEO (key on engine off), Injector buzz test, Cylinder Contribution Test, Glow Plug test. These can give you a really good indication of the condition of the engine and ancillary bits.

Here are some example of the output from the monitor and tests.


98 van rpm-accel pedal - icp - ebp 5-30-11.jpg


  • 0001rh-M.jpg
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Thanks for the pointer Ozrockrat, I'll discuss them with the shop tomorrow when I pick it up. And they should have all the proper equipment as they do the fleet maintenance for all the local ambulances, (there was at least 50 of them in their lot yesterday!).

Thanks again!
Mr. D


Time to get a name... Though choice!
I'm split between:




That last one is getting very tempting!

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the last one,if you go with it,you got to write it in big red letters on both sides AND race other

petrol heads at stop lights!


Well, I can't see myself driving a big red bull so it came down between the 1st two names. Since I couldn't decide I did the next logical step and bought a second ambulance! No kidding! Hahaha

The 1st one (the '99) was just such a good deal I couldn't pass and it was also my safety net in case my next auction bid didn't work.

Then l tried my chance last night on a very clean '01 I had been watching for the last 10 days. It was by far the cleanest one I had seen since starting my search. I made sure to set myself a limit ahead of time and if it went above I was prepared to let it go. But it didn't and to my surprise I ended up owning two ambulances when I couldn't find a single one for the last 3 months!

I had to beg my boss to let me hide one of them at my work, I just can't imagine myself explaining to my lovely wife why there's two big white ambulances and a Patrol in our driveway! Lol

I'll swap a few parts between the two and sell the first one later on :)

Here's the new toy (auction pics):






Mr. D

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