MY Overland Expedition Adventure Camper Trailer Design


Looks really good. I am sure it will undergo 100 small changes between now and the final product. I can't wait to see the finished product!


That looks great. I can't wait to follow the build. I will be very impressed if your weight comes in at 1300.

Keep it coming.

Like everything else, it'll be a compromise I'm sure. Superlight = super fundage and there is always a point of diminishing returns. Durability/reliability is a major concern too. There's a balance in there somewhere. There is a great market of super high tech composites out there. You've seen some used here on various projects and products (Turtle Expedition, the Super Camper, even EarthRoamer). Nida-core, Divinylcell, klegecell, etc. The boat and aircraft builders have pretty much turned it into a science and luckily these groups have a very matured DIY side. I'll be honest and tell you some of these materials will present a pretty decent learning curve for me, but that's part of the fun :) I'll get as much enjoyment from learning and building as I will using.

Thanks to everyone for the kudos. I'm itching to start and it obviously won't be an overnight build but it should be exciting!


1speed said:
Very nice concept, much more ambitious than my build. Can't wait to see it take shape.

I thought your build was very well done! Direct, to the point, very functional, and didn't break the bank. You seemed to spend the $ where it was important and it made a great trailer.


New member
That looks awesome. A lot of great ideas.

Have you been to this website?

There are a lot of answers to questions you will most definitely have. Do you happen to know what the tongue weight is going to be? The axle looks a little far back especially with all the weight in the kitchen being up front. Here is a spreadsheet that helped me figure out where to place my axle.

Post a lot of construction photos. :victory:


Mc Taco -- LOL well I better work out the bugs on a prototype first :)

shadow -- yep frequently lurk there. That is a top source of information and there are some amazing craftsman there. I actually did post once:

I was concerned about mounting the propane underneath but they settled me down.

I'll likely go to all diesel later.

I've done a full workup on the weight of each piece but there were several assumptions that prevent a "for sure" answer. On top of that, I'm working on redesigning a lot of the structure in composites and that will really mess with the weight distribution numbers. Right now, with the spare tire mounted on the front, it's about 14% on the tongue. It's about 10% without the spare tire. Most of the weight is in the system components (water, batteries, etc) and the trailer frame/suspension. The components are pretty well laid out around the axle and balance it nicely. I have considered moving the axle forward a little but I need to recalc everything with composites first to see where things are.


Very cool. Packing is the hard part for everything you want, but with all the electronic drawing programs, it can fill the day. Do you plan to use awnings and side panels for protection from the weather with everything you pull out of the trailer?

Here are some pics of campers I collected couple years ago that are really close to your exterior design.






As you can see, their topper is a full top with shielding sides and secure to the wall. As for the composite design for the pop-top, have you looked into truck bed fiberglass toppers? Maybe a small pickup like Ranger, Colorado, etc will fit the need. This is my thought. Once I sell off the Quicksilver camper, I'll be using my frame for such a camper design as well. However, my camper won't be fully luxury with all the pop-out components. I have a 68" max width requirement due to the storage location next to the house.


Jagular -- thanks for posting that. I haven't run across that one before. Very interesting!

I played with something similar with an interior bathroom/kitchen/dining but it had a few drawbacks so I went the current route. One thing is wanting to keep the trailer body close to 5 foot wide. I considered a side pop out for the bed, but it just didn't come together the way I wanted. The structure and balance of the current one is better than that earlier design, but it does give up some amenities. I may do another more "family oriented" one later :) I have considered the upper level bunk idea, maybe even dormobile style. I'm not sure how well it would fit into the current design though. Might reconsider that. It would be nice to at least have the option for a sit down area with a table.

I do plan on having a side awning and probably have zip in sides for really bad weather. Probably have it wrap around to the back to cover the rear door so you stay covered.


I am REALLY impressed. Looks AWESOME. Makes my hand-drawn plans look like kindergarten drawings. What program are you using to design?

Any ideas of build costs yet? Could really add up w/ composites, right?

How much for one in black? I'll quit all my planning.

Look forward to trips together. Talk soon.


toyotatruckjunkie said:
I am REALLY impressed. Looks AWESOME. Makes my hand-drawn plans look like kindergarten drawings. What program are you using to design?

Any ideas of build costs yet? Could really add up w/ composites, right?

How much for one in black? I'll quit all my planning.

Look forward to trips together. Talk soon.

Using Google Sketchup.

Sandwich composites definitely add to the cost but may be worth it. It was going to get laminated with composites anyway.

I want to be there when you are trying to sleep in August, in Texas, in a black trailer. :jump:

Never stop planning! We just need to add in a little "doing" to go along with all of our planning :)

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